Recent content by GoHerdIBG

  1. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I copied my entire web site directory and database to my local server and was able to get some things to work - but not everything.
  2. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I am running a few addons in production. I will install the addons on my local instance and see if that helps.
  3. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    No. Didn't see that post in my searches. I will give it a try. Appreciate the link and will let you know how it goes.
  4. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I just tried a full export of the db which included the xenforo and MySQL databases. Still no luck. There has to be a way to do what I want to do - which is have a instance locally that I can use as my dev/test version to test things like upgrades to MySQL and PHP, etc. I am not a fan of...
  5. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    Yes. That's usually how I start out. I perform a standard install on my local server and even use the same username/password/port information from my production server. In theory, my config.php is correct and should not need to be changed.
  6. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I did run a local export -> local import test. I exported the xenforo database from my local install, dropped the xenforo database, recreated it manually and granted permissions, then imported the .sql dump and all went well. As mentioned above, it could be permissions as my user lists are...
  7. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I have only been testing with a local instance at home - but will try and follow the steps in the linked post. I saw that post previously but didn't think it applied to my problem but will take another look. Thanks.
  8. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    For some further testing I changed the username/password to the root user and password just to check to see if permissions were an issue. No change. I was also able to log into the db as the xenforo user - just to make sure the user/pw combo was working. Another funny thing is when I do a...
  9. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    Thanks for the reply again. I don't have cPanel at home on my test server. On my test server when I installed the software I created the database using the same name and user/password from the config.php on the production server - hoping that when I imported all would be well. The weird part...
  10. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    Thanks for the reply. Still having issues. Here is what I did: Ran the mysqldump command which did not ask for a password (I am not a database person so this surprised me). Executed MySQL at the command line to manually create the new database: create database xenforo_test CHARACTER SET...
  11. G

    XF 2.0 Backup and Restore of Database Failing

    I am in the process of testing my dump/restore strategy and can't seem to get things to work. The database I am dumping is: mysqld version 5.6 (Linux) I am using a hosting provider (KnownHost) and have used 3 methods for my database dumps: 1. In cPanel I use phpMyAdmin to export the...
  12. G

    Programatically Adding Forums

    Not sure the prefix route would work in my case. I am still building out the website and nodes so I will not go into detail but I am building a discussion forum separated by states and 15 "things" within each state. As an example, each state (all 50 of them) have 15 categories each (just as an...
  13. G

    Programatically Adding Forums

    In the end I will end up with 750 categories and 8 forums per category....but no big deal. Do you know if 2 users can be logged in as admin at the same time creating forums at the same time?
  14. G

    Programatically Adding Forums

    I need to add the same 8 forums to many categories. Is there an easy way to do this using the application or would I need to connect to the database and do it programmatically (and is that even really possible to get everything right)? Thanks for any insight.
  15. G

    Inbound Ports Needed

    I am new to XenForo. I am using a hosting provider and wanted to know what ports are required to be open inbound for XenForo to operate correctly. I know I obviously need 80 and 443. Do I need the following open: 25/SMTP: Can't see where I would need to accept inbound mail IMAP/POP3: I host my...
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