Recent content by Glacius_7

  1. Glacius_7

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Hey, just wondering; What table are the synced accounts tied to? I'm curious how to delete all associations from the addon as just uninstalling it didn't work.
  2. Glacius_7

    [XFA] Multiple Countdowns - XF2 [Paid]

    Nothing in the server log. However, deleting all the expired timers fixed the issue instantly. Might want to take a look at it. The amount of expired countdowns kept the page unresponsive. Maybe delete expired countdown after X amount of time.
  3. Glacius_7

    [XFA] Multiple Countdowns - XF2 [Paid]

    To my knowledge, there are no errors, but I may be looking in the wrong place. Page loads after multiple refreshes, and seems to function fine after that.
  4. Glacius_7

    UI.X 2

    Ah, Yes. The installation of UI.X was definitely my blunder. Figured it out shortly after posting my message. As for the issue, it was the template "post_macros" getting scrambled. I fixed it by importing UI.X as an additional style and copying said template to my actual theme. Absolutely no...
  5. Glacius_7

    UI.X 2

    I just updated my Xenforo to the newest version and after merging the outdated templates using the custom changes, the user info for every message now shows this: I thought it had to have something to do with UI.X / the theme, so I tried updating UI.X to it's newest version, but Xenforo is...
  6. Glacius_7

    [XFA] Multiple Countdowns - XF2 [Paid]

    Sorry for the late reply. No, there are no errors within the panel. Only a very persistent HTTP 500 Error when loading the page.
  7. Glacius_7

    [XFA] Multiple Countdowns - XF2 [Paid]

    I have been experiencing HTTP 500 errors on the "Manage Countdowns" page for a while now. It seems that refreshing the page will eventually load the page normally, but other than that, it seems to be failing very often. Any idea why this would be the case?
  8. Glacius_7

    Countdown [Deleted]

    Been having consistent HTTP 500 errors with the manage countdown page lately. It'll randomly break and then work again after refreshing the page multiple times. No errors shown on the admin panel. I'm a little baffled. Misunderstanding on my end, as the countdown plugin we used has been...
  9. Glacius_7

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hey. Just updated the addon. Have been very happy with this since xF 1.5 days. And user just pointed out to me that some of the font awesome icons seem to be missing? According the the screenshots, there should be an icon there, which leads to the "Help" -menu.
  10. Glacius_7

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    Ey' Nix. We're getting some errors, and after the earlier php file fiasco, we're not sure if they are on our end, or at the AddOn's end. Happened 3 times, identical errors, three different users. Maybe has to do something with the NSFW role I mentioned in my review? This one happened twice...
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