Recent content by Gizah

  1. Gizah

    XF 2.2 RSS FEEDS

    Hello, Execuse my ignorance. I want to create a section at the footer of my forum that will be pulling/aggregating automatically news related to my subject of interest -Vocational and Technical training and Jobs Something like this...
  2. Gizah

    RSS Feeds

    Interesting reading I would like to add RSS feeds to my Board. Is there anyone here who can do this for me? Plead DM
  3. Gizah

    I would like to buy a theme from you. Kindly let me know how to go about it. Many thanks

    I would like to buy a theme from you. Kindly let me know how to go about it. Many thanks
  4. Gizah


    Thank you very much.It is ok now.
  5. Gizah


    Thank you very much and how do I make a post sticky to act as the home landing page? Thanks
  6. Gizah


    Hello folks. How do i insert images to thread posts?I am being asked for image url. is there a way of adding images directly without using FTP? Help
  7. Gizah


    Still nursing hopes that Xenforo will become a full fledged CMS, I wonder whether it is possible to install the script as it is and get to create a home page such as this- (I'm interested in the section).
  8. Gizah

    Just looking

    Just looking
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