Recent content by GeorgWin

  1. GeorgWin

    Multiple files via URL

    I completely agree that the problem has not been solved.
  2. GeorgWin

    Show reaction statistics on member profiles

    Very good function
  3. GeorgWin

    Similar threads [Paid]

    This line cuts off all Cyrillic characters - /[\x{0080}-\x{FFFF}]/u Search by names in russian topics does not work! This line is incorrect - /[^\p{L}0-9]/ You need to add the u modifier to work correctly. Correction to cut off extra characters when searching, when working with Cyrillic -...
  4. GeorgWin

    Change Content Owner or Date

    It helped: Complete removal of the mod (and its old files), and its new installation.
  5. GeorgWin

    Change Content Owner or Date

    Otherwise, the addon would not work. I have an update from version 1.1.4
  6. GeorgWin

    Change Content Owner or Date

    When manually rebuilding data: LogicException: Content type xfmg_media must define an 'entity' value in src/XF/App.php at line 2568 XF\App->getContentTypeEntity() in src/addons/TickTackk/ChangeContentOwner/Job/Upgrade/RebuildAttachmentOwner.php at line 42...
  7. GeorgWin

    [TH] Reactions Plus [Deleted]

    Interesting too...
  8. GeorgWin

    Implemented Multiple Files Upload.

    The list of external URLs was never implemented in 2 years. :(
  9. GeorgWin

    Personal notepad [Deleted]

    When to uninstall a modification: ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined variable: tableName in src\addons\lgxNotepad\Setup.php at line 42 XF::handlePhpError() in src\addons\lgxNotepad\Setup.php at line 42 lgxNotepad\Setup->uninstall() in src\XF\Admin\Controller\AddOn.php at line 635...
  10. GeorgWin

    [Liam W.] Custom Editor Colors

    2.1.1 works?
  11. GeorgWin

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    Sorry, wrong translation. Carefully look at the entire video (which I recorded last), how variables are defined in the $input array, and as a result it turns out over time. I think for the data in the array $input you need to do an additional check, with filling in the correct data.
  12. GeorgWin

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    Disabled add-ons, nothing has changed. UPD: thank. Screenshot with the parameter ?fill=1 and disabled additions. Everything is OK there:
  13. GeorgWin

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    $input variable is empty: I'll check later what you write :)
  14. GeorgWin

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    Language barrier burdens communication🤷‍♂️ If I understand correctly, then you ask about it: I did not particularly delve into the essence of the error (there is no time for this). Here’s how it looks in the getCategoryPoints function (but time is defined "above" by code, somewhere in other...
  15. GeorgWin

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    Everything is normal there, there are no errors.
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