Recent content by GalaxyRealms

  1. GalaxyRealms

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I'm using XenPorta 2 and I'm trying to make this; look like this: However, I don't know how or where to do this. Also, I'd like to remove the part that says "Comments" & all of the social...
  2. GalaxyRealms

    XF 1.5 Xenforo Domain

    Okay so for our website our domain looks like this when you go there. however I would rather a domain like this How do we add the /forum/ part in there. Is it too late since we already set up the forums?
  3. GalaxyRealms

    XF 1.5 XenPorta 2

    I'm using XenPorta 2 and I'm trying to make this; look like this: However, I don't know how or where to do this. Also, I'd like to remove the part that says "Comments" & all of the social...
  4. GalaxyRealms

    XF 1.5 Friendly URL's

    Hello, I was trying to enable friendly URLs on my website, but every time I do it and try and click on a forum I get the 404 page. I'm using Apache on my web server. Error page: Basic Board Information...
  5. GalaxyRealms

    AssociationMc - XenForo to Minecraft account association

    This is extremely confusing and time consuming. Is there anyone that is willing to set this up for a little $Cash$?
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