Recent content by Fragworks

  1. Fragworks

    XF 1.5 User Upgrades Not Applying Secondary Group

    I'm not sure what solved the issue, but the issue doesn't seem to be happening anymore. There was several things I tried before giving up and going to bed: Ran all cronjobs manually Rebuilt all caches Rebooted the web server Cleared all cached data on browser and CDN Not sure what caused the...
  2. Fragworks

    XF 1.5 User Upgrades Not Applying Secondary Group

    It seems that after after rebooting the webserver and having another client try the upgrade user package, it worked with PayPal and adding the secondary group. However, if I add a client manually, they are not added to the secondary group. I'm not sure what the difference has to be for manual...
  3. Fragworks

    XF 1.5 User Upgrades Not Applying Secondary Group

    To whom may be able to assist me, I have gone over the documentation for User Upgrades and have no issue in setting up and getting the purchases to go through; however, it seems that neither manually nor automatically, are the secondary groups being applied after the purchase or manually added...
  4. Fragworks Integration [Paid]

    Hello. I would like to query if this will work with users who want to register with Overwatch as their account? Perhaps an ability to pick a hero from a list as their avatar or what have you. Thank you.
  5. Fragworks

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    I've added a way to check if you are having the problem, choose either using the ssl.php or command line option.
  6. Fragworks

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Thank you so much for this! @HowIChrgeLazer Thank you for this addon, it is wonderful to have! Anyone who is having issues with: Unable to Connect to ssl:// Error #0: - library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php:235 Curl error: SSL certificate problem: unable to...
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