Recent content by Foxtrek_64

  1. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.3 Single sign on and more with OAuth2 in XenForo 2.3

    If Moodle allows you to authenticate with XenForo, perhaps as a generic OAuth client, then yes. It does not currently work the other way around, where a user signs in to XenForo with a Moodle account. I have a suggestion for that feature here...
  2. Foxtrek_64

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Hopefully Andrew doesn't mind this link but OzzModz has a plugin for just this:'
  3. Foxtrek_64

    Fixed utf8.php should be updated (php8.2)

    Just adding my $0.02 to this from the perspective of a C# developer with little to no PHP experience. In C#, it is possible for string types to be null or empty, which are two distinct cases with two distinct use cases. If the same is possible in PHP, then I would 100% expect the method...
  4. Foxtrek_64

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    Could we add a view similar to the existing approval queue that shows soft-deleted threads/other content? It would be nice to be able to review soft-deleted content for housekeeping reasons, such as hard-deleting posts older than a certain time period or reviewing what posts moderators are...
  5. Foxtrek_64

    Test Your Webhooks

    As much as I like the Webhooks feature, it would be nice if we could force a webhook to fire from the ACP using dummy data. This would allow us to test our integrations without having to try and manually cause an action that would trigger it normally. For instance, if I have a webhook that goes...
  6. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Show Custom Thread Fields In Thread Listing

    In my style properties under basic colors, there's an "error message text color." How can I find the corresponding css variable?
  7. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Show Custom Thread Fields In Thread Listing

    Came up with the following. It mostly works except for the coloring on the owned threads. Anyone know what I'm looking at here, and/or have any nits/suggestions? <li> <xf:if is="$thread.custom_fields.ticketOwner"> <div class="structItem-minor"> <xf:if...
  8. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Show Custom Thread Fields In Thread Listing

    Thanks, I'll give this a shot when I'm home from work
  9. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Show Custom Thread Fields In Thread Listing

    I have it displaying in the thread view like I want it, but I need it to display in the thread listing i.e. when you're viewing the list of threads in the forum.
  10. Foxtrek_64

    Future fix Mention autocomplete doesn't work in some cases where the username contains an '@' character

    You could do a regex filter This will allow alphanumeric characters only, no special characters. You can add to the list to whitelist whatever you like. ^[a-aA-Z0-9]+$
  11. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Show Custom Thread Fields In Thread Listing

    As it says on the tin- I want to show a particular custom thread field in the thread listing. Is such possible out of the gate or would I need to modify the template?
  12. Foxtrek_64

    MineSync, for XF2 [Paid]

    I'm doing something like this in my community. It's still a work in progress because it relies on Webhooks, which aren't going to be released until the 2.3 release, but I'm configuring this in development currently. A webhook fires from XenForo. This could be on user create or, if you use...
  13. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Invision Database Pages

    I saw it in passing but there doesn't seem to be a page for it here on this site and the XenAddons website just says it exists and supports XF 2.2. There isn't really any additional information on this site about what it does or how it works, and I don't really want to drop $45 on a product...
  14. Foxtrek_64

    MineSync, for XF2 [Paid]

    Alternatively if you publish the API documentation for the communication between the forum plugin and Minecraft, I can roll my own server-side support for Fabric/Quilt.
  15. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 Invision Database Pages

    I was able to get something working with the route filters. I still need to add a route filter for each thread manually, but it produces the correct end result.
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