Recent content by Foxtrek_64

  1. Foxtrek_64

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    I know you've been tagged on this one before but just cross-posting here. This plugin would be great to have its config in the MCP rather than in the user profile. Edit: long day. That as actually in this thread that the integration was suggested. I thought it was in the thread for the other...
  2. Foxtrek_64

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    From discussions on his forum, I hear that's the case.
  3. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.3 Single sign on and more with OAuth2 in XenForo 2.3

    No. This feature allows treating XF as the authentication source. For instance, if I have a second website like a Wordpress site, I can set up Wordpress to allow users to log in with their Xenforo account (assuming the proper plugins are installed). If you want users to be able to log in to...
  4. Foxtrek_64

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    I'm not sure what sort of work you've done with this yet, but perhaps allowing us to work into the built-in tag system? That way we can add as many tags as we like to better categorize as appropriate.
  5. Foxtrek_64

    Missing: Social Groups + Group-forums

    That's the idea! You can take a look at the plugins by OzzMods and Nobita, both named "Social Groups," to get a better idea of what this suggestion is asking for.
  6. Foxtrek_64

    Missing: Social Groups + Group-forums

    In my case, I would want this managed by the users.
  7. Foxtrek_64

    Missing: Social Groups + Group-forums

    I operate a community based around an online game where people can create in-game clans and factions. I would really love for this to be mirrored on my forum. I've tried the social groups plugins from OzzMods and Nobita, and neither were really what I was looking for. I have not tried...
  8. Foxtrek_64

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    My bad! I hadn't noticed you had your own donation addon. In my particular use case, I was only planning to have a single item in the shop and to use it to convert donations into credits. Your donate plugin could possibly replace the shop, but it doesn't look like a Credits integration is...
  9. Foxtrek_64

    [DBTech] DragonByte Shop [Paid]

    Looking at using this plugin in combination with the credits plugin. Do either support adding a widget where I can set a monthly donation goal? In my community we want to set a monthly goal for for purchases and having a progress bar to show how close we are to the goal would be very helpful. I...
  10. Foxtrek_64

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    For those who are also looking for an API, I've added that suggestion here:
  11. Foxtrek_64

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    Does this plugin add any API endpoints? I want to be able to sync credits between my forum and Minecraft via a custom Minecraft plugin, and I'm looking for that connection to be two-way. If so, where can I find the API documentation for this?
  12. Foxtrek_64

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    It would be nice if in the future we could see more granular control over this. For instance, if I have a group called Foo and a group called Foo Manager, I would only want those with the Foo Manager role to be able to grant/revoke membership to the Foo group (admins still retain access to...
  13. Foxtrek_64

    Allow Using Internal Link addresses in Link Forums

    Honorable mention: Woltlab, which I have used in the past, has a feature proposal from one of their developers for a new URI scheme for internal links. This may or may not be useful for us but I thought I'd link it anyways. It covers some additional use cases but it gets to the same problem...
  14. Foxtrek_64

    Abbreviation Definitions

    When working with communities which have a lot of proprietary terms, it can be helpful to have a set collection of definitions. This can be done manually with abbr bbcode which gets converted into <abbr /> tags on rendering, but users must remember to do this for every single acronym or term in...
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