Recent content by forumdesados

  1. forumdesados 🌴 French teen forum 🇨🇵#1

    Hello community, I would like to share my creation with you. I created my community in 2009 with FLUXBB forums, then I tried PHPBB forums and it's been a few years i totally fell in love with Xenforo. For every person who is not licensed, do not hesitate one second. Xenforo IS the best...
  2. forumdesados

    MG 1.1 Display the whole title

    Hello guys ! I would like to ask if any of you know a way to show the whole title of media. I use this code for the sidebar new posts blocks, can anyone help me to modify it ? /* Show whole title in sidebar New Posts block */ .sidebar .threadListItem .title, .threadListItem .additionalRow {...
  3. forumdesados

    Discord [Deleted]

    That would be very awesome, i contacted you on your selly account @Thibeault , great job !
  4. forumdesados


    Hello @Mike Creuzer , I have a little problem when i use Microsoft EDGE and when I enable backstretch, When i scroll down the page, fixed menu and the background are "lagging" after some seconds in the page. Thank you
  5. forumdesados

    Username Change by Siropu

    Heum ok thank you no problem :-/ I took the admin group for exemple here but i wanted to do it for my premium members.
  6. forumdesados

    Username Change by Siropu

    Hello @Siropu thanks for that great add-on ! I have a problem with the permissions and this add-on. I'm admin and i want to change my username every 7 days and I want my members be able to change their username every 30 days so here what i do : Members permissions : Admin permissions ...
  7. forumdesados

    XF 1.5 .styleID not working in EXTRA.css

    No problem. Yeah it should but it doesn't :-/ It only work if i add .style3 to name css like i show on the screen
  8. forumdesados

    XF 1.5 .styleID not working in EXTRA.css

    Hello @Arty thank you for your help ! I'll know that for the future. Unfortunately i still have the same problem :( I tried something else and it worked but i don't think it's correct... In Name CSS i tried to add the line .style3 And surprinsingly it works :-/ Is it wrong to do that ? Thank you
  9. forumdesados

    XF 1.5 .styleID not working in EXTRA.css

    Hello guys, First i would like to tell you sorry for my bad english i'm french... I just installed xenforo, i love it so much but I have a problem. I would like to add Fontawesome icons before usernames of certain groups. Here is my code : .username .style3:before { content: "\f005"...
  10. forumdesados


    Hello @Dalton thank you very much for your help ! I tried your solution and i'm afraid it didn't work... I just wanted to see a preview of your solution and the problem is : If i edit the primarycolor in ad Styler, the avatar-background is white but also the buttons, search background etc. And...
  11. forumdesados


    Hello, I'm sorry for my bad english. First i would like to thank you very much for your awesome work ! Then i don't find a solution to my problem... I removed the blue background from my avatar, it worked with your tip, everywhere in the forum except for the members profile page... (i edited...
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