Recent content by foolist

  1. foolist

    XF 1.5 Upload avatar via URL?

    While there is an option to add images by URL to posts, our users have complained there is no ability to use a URL to upload an avatar and instead you are required to save the image before uploading. Is there a way to do this presently that i am just missing?
  2. foolist

    XF 1.5 Mass approve Moderated Post

    In the Moderation Queue post conversion, there are about 1709 unapproved posts or text? I remember asking about PM, but is there a command for mass approving posts?
  3. foolist

    XF 1.5 Is this possible with a XF import?

    Does Xenforo require you to import users before threads/post or after? Provided the user uses the same email address or the same username, it'll merge them? I want to make sure i dont wind up with double the amount of users is all.
  4. foolist

    XF 1.5 Is this possible with a XF import?

    I was expecting you to say that. My only other idea is another wild idea. I am trying to aim for the least data loss as I possibly can. If i were to revert to an old backup and redo our import, that would fix the issue i mention in the other thread. However, for our current data, my idea was to...
  5. foolist

    XF 1.5 Is this possible with a XF import?

    So we had some corrupted/altered data that brought some weird characters in an import.....and we sort of tried to tolerate it but it looks unsightly. Our previous data backup is literally a month old, so we'd lose data from the last month if we wanted to do a fresh install. Is it possible to...
  6. foolist

    Post Content Find / Replace

    I understand :) Thank you anyway. So you suggest just doing a completely fresh import entirely? With the old data? Instead of trying to fix it.
  7. foolist

    Post Content Find / Replace

    Unfortunately, in order to redo the import, it will have old data. This was when we were trying to go from IPB4 to Mybb and somehow it happened. How do i set the database character? Yes after converting from IPB4 to Mybb is when it happened. The random A's are literally sporadically just...
  8. foolist

    Post Content Find / Replace

    Hi, new here to the community. We're trying to figure out how this works? We have unfortunately ran into an issue where there are weird symbols in many of our posts and I want to remove them out of the posts as they look...
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