Recent content by ExZone91

  1. ExZone91

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    I have made several attempts, but so far, I have only been able to change the categories in the forum. I would like to display the categories as images, two in each row, for a total of two rows, making it four in total. No matter what I try to adjust, it doesn't work. I have also looked through...
  2. ExZone91

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Thank you very much for your response. Is there any kind of instruction for this? Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with it and haven't found anything so far. I would be very grateful.
  3. ExZone91

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Oh ok. I bought it specifically for this reason. Does anyone know how to display the current categories as banners?
  4. ExZone91

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Thank you for the response. I've noticed that. However, I can't find an option to display the categories as images.
  5. ExZone91

    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hello, I'm new to Xenforo. On my setup, the categories are displayed. How can I display the categories as images, for example, in a 3x3 arrangement (3 per row and 3 rows in total)? Thank you very much.
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