Recent content by Ewok

  1. E

    XF 2.0 Contact Us email form not working.

    HI @jeb35 , yes e-mail address is entered correctly. I have sent emails directly to that address to check it, and it works. Any other thoughts?
  2. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation?

    Once you get into the GDPR documentation, you'll notice the line getting very thin between email marketing and an email notification. At some point you'll have to decide if it is worth the risk for you or your business.
  3. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation?

    Do you have any idea how to get that script? Is that something XF can help out with?
  4. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation?

    If you read the GDPR documentation, you'll notice they are not really concerned with how you get it, as long as you can prove it when/if they audit you.
  5. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation?

    Yes, you actually have to get explicit consent of your users having opted in. So anyone sending emails, needs to be able to prove their users willingly asked to be emailed/notified/alerted. I am a bit surprised that so many people are not aware that GDPR is not just cookies, and personal...
  6. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation? Hope this helps.
  7. E

    XF 2.0 Contact Us email form not working.

    Hi @Mr Lucky , yes I have. I've used internally via "start a conversation" and also by sending an email to it....all work. It's just the "Contact us" form that does not work.
  8. E

    XF 2.0 Contact Us email form not working.

    Hi @Tracy Perry , the email is not being sent. They actually see the notification saying "Your email has been sent", but nothing is actually sent. I have unchecked "Receive email when a new conversation message is received"...I assume this relates only to conversations as the name implies, so...
  9. E

    XF 2.0 Users are still receiving e-mails even after unchecking "Receive e-mails when a new conversation message is received"

    Hello XF, My users are still receiving e-mails even though I have unchecked this option below: I would also like to add that this is happening to both new users as well as users registered prior to adjusting the above setting. How can I fix this? Thanks
  10. E

    XF 2.0 Contact Us email form not working.

    Hello XF, My users are trying to send me messages via the "Contact Us" Form, but it is not working...(?) How can I fix this? Thanks
  11. E

    Accept cookies banner for EU users

    Hi lms :) Sorry for the newbie question, as I've never installed a resource before. So I download this resource....and then....? Is there a doc on how to install this? thanks!
  12. E

    Accept cookies banner for EU users

    Hello, Where are the instructions on how to install/customize this resource? Many thanks!
  13. E

    XF 2.0 Where can I adjust the email notifications for all users to adhere to GDPR regulation?

    Hello All, In order to meet GDPR regulations, we need to adjust how many and which emails we send to our users. Where can we adjust the email notifications options for all users? By default they are all can we change this to avoid GDPR issues? Thanks
  14. E

    XF 2.0 How can I disable all cookies on XenForo?

    Would you say that: If the regulators would audit a XenForo website, you could convince them that all the cookies XenForo uses are 100% functional?
  15. E

    XF 2.0 How can I disable all cookies on XenForo?

    Exactly, IF you have their consent. But if they choose not to, according to GDPR you MUST provide them with an option to use your site without any tracking or storing of data. So from a GDPR point of view, if you don't, you are non-complaint and a candidate to huge fines.
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