Recent content by Erictigerawr

  1. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Make user titles not split words when too long?

    Basically it would be: Project Manager <br> Community Manager
  2. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Make user titles not split words when too long?

    Apologies for the delayed response - thanks! Here's a good link. I am however not wanting to change the font or the width of the user block, but rather wanting to have it not cut in the middle of a...
  3. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Make user titles not split words when too long?

    Hey, I'm looking to make my user titles on the forums (for long user titles) to not split words in half/midway when they proceed to a second or third line. This is what it is currently, I would like it to be: Content Community Manager
  4. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Disabling Emails by Default / Board-Wide

    Hello there, I am looking to disable emails by default for users who have registered, and I have already done so by going to User Registration and unchecking receive email notifications on watched threads. Though, some of our members are still getting emails when they have this option disabled...
  5. Erictigerawr

    Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

    Jumping into this thread discussion! Looking to use addon for a public forum as it's loaded with the features I'm seeking for. Is it still functional "straight from the box"?
  6. Erictigerawr

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Didn't even notice we were on the old one, sorry about that!
  7. Erictigerawr

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    A little lost, do you mean these?
  8. Erictigerawr

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Quick question @Jaxel, how does one re-enable it so the announcement thread doesn't remove the author's profile picture? Such as turning an article like this to this .
  9. Erictigerawr

    Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

    Are there any plans for adding more variables in thread titles and laying out a specific style/layout for submitted forms?
  10. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Purging all Custom Titles

    Small bump on this! Also, would it be possible to clear all users of a certain permission group?
  11. Erictigerawr

    XF 1.5 Purging all Custom Titles

    Hey there! Is there a possibility to be able to purge (reset) all Custom Titles any user could have on a specific forum? I believe you can do so through running a specific query, though I do not know what it is exactly.
  12. Erictigerawr

    EmojiOne Smilies

    Hey, loving the emojis! Though, they are appearing way to big for my messages, any idea of how to fix? Thanks!
  13. Erictigerawr

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    Hey @Luke F any possible thought on this idea? Would be very handy for staff and moderators on sites against those who abuse this feature.
  14. Erictigerawr

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    @Luke F could you possibly look into adding a feature where we can remove a certain user's ratings that he has given in a certain time? I have some users who like to ratings boost and spams every post with a rating.
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