Recent content by Emerald™

  1. Emerald™

    [SolidMean] CloudFlare Detect

    Maybe it has to do with the query or something? I'm using iis. Load times are super fast then randomly all of a sudden when it appears to try to get the ip it lags out. Doesn't happen all the time. Only some times.
  2. Emerald™

    Flat Awesome Dark - [Deleted]

    How do you edit the social icons haha
  3. Emerald™

    [SolidMean] CloudFlare Detect

    For some reason when I enable this plugin I get randomly longer load times. Any ideas why?
  4. Emerald™

    Add-on Ability to upload profile pictures via imgur (etc) instead of locally on the server

    Hey, I was wondering if there's any way to make a plugin that can get all the profile photos off of the main webserver and onto a dedicated image hosting site like imgur.
  5. Emerald™

    IIS 10 vs NGINX for XenForo

    Hey, Setting up a new forum, hopefully it will become large. Which webserver do you guy's use / recommend. I currently already have the required licenses for IIS 10 just not sure about compatibility.
  6. Emerald™

    Material Xen [Deleted]

    Can I change the theme colour to blue via the XML? Or will you guys not allow that.
  7. Emerald™

    Add-on Teamspeak 3 Server Status / Widget

    Hello, I would be willing to pay a bit to get a Teamspeak 3 Server Status / Widget for my xenporta installation. Not sure how much people charge to do this but shoot me your offers please.
  8. Emerald™


    So right now, I want the logo this big, but spaces need to be added. Which file to I go to to add spaces so it's not covered? EDIT: Never mind. Got it. Such a beautiful theme!
  9. Emerald™


    Ah ok perfect. Going to try that right now.
  10. Emerald™


    Do you guy's know how to make the logo bigger? If you look on my stite: it's tiny, but the actuall uploaded file is way way lager than that. It looks funny.
  11. Emerald™


    How do you remove the style chooser at the bottom? I dont want people using the default style lol
  12. Emerald™

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Does anybody know of a working teamspeak3 widget for this? Thanks
  13. Emerald™

    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    How do you add this "widget" to the xenforo sidebar. I have it in my XenPorta sidebar, but I also want it showing on the forums aswell. Thanks. :(
  14. Emerald™


    Worked thanks alot.
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