Recent content by EgvAg

  1. EgvAg

    [XTR] Unlimited Social Sharing Buttons [Paid]

    Can´t we buy it via credit card or Paypal?
  2. EgvAg

    Increase featured ressource number

    Any answer to change that?
  3. EgvAg

    [OzzModz] Table BBcode Tweak

    Yes... here it´s working but not on our site.
  4. EgvAg

    [OzzModz] Table BBcode Tweak

    for us it´s not working under 2.1. After installing the addon we put the BB-Code into the editor by clicking the BB-Code Icon on the right side. But we can only see the code - not the table.
  5. EgvAg

    XF 2.0 File Health Check - src/XF/Admin/Controller/Admin.php

    The File Health Check result says, that there´s something wrong with the file src/XF/Admin/Controller/Admin.php How can I fix this? I don´t know what´s wrong with this file.
  6. EgvAg

    XWiki [Deleted]

    Yes I got the Download now. Thank you.
  7. EgvAg

    XWiki [Deleted]

    I get this Error when installing: [TH] XWiki requires [TH] XLink. In the documentation I can read: Your first step is to download the add-on from your customer area. But I can´t find any XLink Download. Somebody an idea?
  8. EgvAg

    New wiki system for XenForo

    YES!!! Thanks for the info - we´ll buy it soon!
  9. EgvAg

    Birthday Calendar

    Can I ask you once again? We would be happy to run it on XF2.
  10. EgvAg

    Schedule Content for XF 2.x [Paid]

    I have a short question. I registered for the addon and had to wait for a confirmation of the account. after some time I received the following email: "Unfortunately, the account you registered on Nobita Community did not meet membership requirements. Your account is no longer accessible" I just...
  11. EgvAg

    XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO [Paid]

    Is it possible to show the User names in the Calender when they have birthday? That would be great! We would also pay for that feature.
  12. EgvAg

    Birthday Calendar

    Will you make an update for XF2? Would be great :-)
  13. EgvAg

    XF 2.0 Upgrading from 1.5 to 2.0

    Thank you! Now it´s working!
  14. EgvAg

    XF 2.0 Upgrading from 1.5 to 2.0

    What was the reason for this error? I have the same problem.
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