Recent content by ecko

  1. ecko

    XF 2.1 login \ logout issue

    i did as u said but still same
  2. ecko

    XF 2.1 login \ logout issue

    hi now im install new fresh version and when i login and go to any topic or admin panel need me to log in and after login i must refirsh page and after 1 or 2 minute i must login again how to solve this issue and this is from my VPS or .htaccess file ?
  3. ecko

    Xen Notices [Deleted]

    i think this add-on die and no more for V2.1
  4. ecko

    XF 2.1 after update my forum didnt find img

    its fix it now thank you
  5. ecko

    XF 2.1 after update my forum didnt find img

    how to change this or from here i can be sure about this
  6. ecko

    XF 2.1 after update my forum didnt find img

    after update my site i cant see any img like facebook or google+ or an forum icon
  7. ecko

    Add-on Torrent Tracker

    till now I'm still looking for any tracker can integrate to forum any forum but i didn't find anything
  8. ecko

    Add-on Torrent Tracker

    yes me :(
  9. ecko

    XF 1.5 how to make user can't add 2 topic in same time

    how to make user can't add 2 topic in same time and must wait X time before add another one
  10. ecko


    how to make this style responsive to full screen width size
  11. ecko

    XF 1.5 how to transfer my topic to new xenforo without all hack and mods?

    no i mean im already have forum with xenforo if i want to make another copy from this form but without any resource or mods can i install new forum and just restore database or what shall i do ?
  12. ecko

    XF 1.5 how to transfer my topic to new xenforo without all hack and mods?

    how to transfer my topics and Categories to new xenforo without all hack and mods ? just topics and Categories
  13. ecko

    Casual - [Deleted]

    can make this style fluxible ??
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