Recent content by drifter4ever

  1. drifter4ever

    XenCentral Feedback System 2 [Paid]

    My support ticket (#861982) has not been answerd for 50 days.
  2. drifter4ever

    XenCentral Feedback System 2 [Paid]

    I have XF 2.2 and Feedback System 2.3.1, but I am still getting these errors (should have been fixed in Another error message. Also, the table xf_xc_feedback_acivity is huge, 3.4 GB (xf_post is 1.5 GB).
  3. drifter4ever

    XF 2.0 Disable avatars (custom user fields)

    I used in XF 1.5 this code to disable avatars by custom user field, thread_list_item: <li id="thread-{$thread.thread_id}" class="discussionListItem {$thread.discussion_state}{xen:if '!{$thread.discussion_open}', ' locked'}{xen:if {$thread.sticky}, ' sticky'}{xen:if {$thread.isNew}, '...
  4. drifter4ever

    xF 2.0 Theme (choose theme Xenforo 2.0)
  5. drifter4ever

    xF 2.0 Theme

    For example node status icons and default avatars are not showing.
  6. drifter4ever

    xF 2.0 Theme

    I like the theme, but I have have problems with theme pictures, they are not showing.
  7. drifter4ever

    Post Areas

    Could you make this add-on? It could be paid. I would need it for a customer with an own subforum.
  8. drifter4ever

    Post Areas

    Would it be possible to show a user's post and thread count for a specific subforum as a message element (under likes count)?
  9. drifter4ever

    XF 1.5 Most liked users in a single node?

    Which database query finds most liked users in a single node?
  10. drifter4ever

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    Is it possible that Tapatalk will some day support custom fields?
  11. drifter4ever

    The Big Forum List

    Site Url: Number of Posts: 1.301.224 Number of Members: 52.163 Software Converted From: vB4 Genre: Technology (Mobile phones) Language: Finnish
  12. drifter4ever

    Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

    Yes, the solution is here:
  13. drifter4ever

    AVForums moves to Xenforo

    I am interested in this too.
  14. drifter4ever

    CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid]

    I would like to disable Featured threads in my mobile style, is it possible? Edit. By commenting out cta_featuredthreads_forum_list and cta_featuredthreads_forum_view?
  15. drifter4ever

    XF 1.2 Replacing Latest Link in Forum Home?

    Is is possible to replace links to forum's latest poston forum home with links to new posts (like in vBulletin)?
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