Recent content by Drew Turnbow

  1. Drew Turnbow

    [bd] Paygates

    Do you plan on adding an option for the non-admin to put in their paypal with a cut going to the site owner for selling resources? Or a way for the non-admin selling resources to request a withdrawal (this would be better than nothing, but the first option would be much better)
  2. Drew Turnbow

    Here's a demo of my new project with my cmsgamers project: Instead of having a custom cms designed for a gaming themed website, I decided I'm going to use wordpress as the backbone and release it as a Wordpress Mod Pack preinstalled with plugins and custom features...
  3. Drew Turnbow

    Other Questions about payment gateway for resource manager

    I plan to hire someone to setup a payment gateway for the resource manager, but I have some questions about what exactly I'll need to have coded. 1. There's already a payment gateway for charging users to pay to be placed in groups in the forums, will a completely new payment gateway need to...
  4. Drew Turnbow

    Actually, he didn't even give me all the features that were listed on the codecanyon page, also has lot's of bugs, I really don't know what his deal is. I've deleted it off my server, what sucks is I'm back to square one with no script. :/ I'm definitely reporting him to freelancer, hopefully...
  5. Drew Turnbow

    wow, I hired someone on freelancer for this... thanks for pointing that out
  6. Drew Turnbow

    Demo is up now, you can view it here:
  7. Drew Turnbow

    For those that were asking about a download for my cms, the download package is ready here: I have the demo installed, but I still need to add some content, will be viewable in the next 1-2 day's, you can install it and add content to...
  8. Drew Turnbow

    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.
  9. Drew Turnbow

    I'll have the demo of my gaming cms up sometime tomorrow and the download file will be ready shortly after for those of you that are interested.
  10. Drew Turnbow

    Feature List (this list will be in v1.0 to be released soon) From the games submission area you'll be able to add the title, background header image, release date, developers, publishers, summary/description and age ratings. You can also upload images/screenshots, select multiple genres and...
  11. Drew Turnbow

    I removed that part about signing up to my website, ask anything you want and I'll try to answer as best as I can.
  12. Drew Turnbow

    I never said that I won't add a forum, I said that it's not going to have a forum in the 1st version. It will come down to what will appeal more to my members, having an integrated forum setup with something like xenforo or a built in forum system. (most likely I'll end up with both to give...
  13. Drew Turnbow

    My cms is not released yet, should be completed in the next 1-2 weeks according to my developer My cms does not have a built in forum system and is not currently setup to properly host a non-gaming related community which is why I'm using xenforo + the resource manager I can't just plug it into...
  14. Drew Turnbow

    Exactly this, it's a standalone gaming themed cms for those looking to start websites like gamespot or IGN, also it doesn't have a built in forum system. Even if it did have a built in forum I wouldn't use it on my distribution site because I need the features of the xenforo resource manager to...
  15. Drew Turnbow

    Ao Kaizoku: Anime and Manga Community

    The anime theme part of your site (when you click on the homepage) looks amazing! I agree with the poster above, once you get your forum to match it better you'll have a much more appealing website.
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