Recent content by DoubleThePsycho

  1. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 XenForo not liking HTML.

    Hi folks, I was wondering if you guys could help me out here. On my previous install of XenForo, I was able to add FA5 icons to the navigation bar: XenStaff's "Staff Tab Name" setting and XenPorta2's "porta2_home" phrase. This is what my navigation bar looked like on the old install After...
  2. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 2.1 Reactions 👍 😍 🤣 😲 🙁 😡

    Yeahno, not happening. I'm sticking to 1.X, not even considering to upgrade.
  3. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 2.1 Reactions 👍 😍 🤣 😲 🙁 😡

    @Chris D Is this addition only introduced to XenForo 2.X, or is it for 1.X as well? (Also way to go, post a lot of updates days after my license expires :LOL:)
  4. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Is this DB table required?

    1.000.000 seconds. There were too many, some of them not making sense, others not accepting NULL as an answer. I decided to make a new database and just move over the vitals.
  5. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Is this DB table required?

    I set it to 1TB and 1mill sec, still having issues with the database.
  6. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Is this DB table required?

    Believe me, I have tried every single video, stack question, Indian tutorials, I even had a friend who is a hacker TeamView with me to look at it, WampServer64 is a ***** pardon my language. Would it be possible to delete the table, and lose caching and just rebuild master data?
  7. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Is this DB table required?

    Hello, so I'm currently transferring my forum temporarily to localhost, to take care of a few problems. The table "xf_data_registry" has about 100.000 rows and is over 100MBs, more than what I can import in localhost. Not only that, but I also got "(some variable) cannot be 'NULL'" while...
  8. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Userfields and conditional statements issue

    Thanks for the help, I got it working now ^^
  9. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Userfields and conditional statements issue

    I added this to the top of navigation.css, and it "kinda but really broken" worked when I added a "if is not" ( <xen:if is="!{$comething]" )
  10. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Userfields and conditional statements issue

    So I'm trying to allow users to change the background color for an element if the preference is set. This is the field: Field ID: colorStyle Possible Choices: colorGradient Type: Radio Buttons And my code looks like: .navTabs { <xen:if is="{$visitor.customFields.colorStyle.colorGradient}">...
  11. DoubleThePsycho

    HTML BBCode (permission protected) [Deleted]

    @Luke F Do you think you can post an update that works with XenPorta 2? I'd hate having to replace the paid with the free one just because of this.
  12. DoubleThePsycho

    Add-on Looking for custom development.

    I'm sorry, but that's my max budget as of right now, another dollar and my account will go negative.
  13. DoubleThePsycho

    Add-on Looking for custom development.

    Hello, XenForo community! I'm looking for someone that has the time to make me a so-so simple add-on for XenForo 1.5.16. Essentially I need this self-hosted web-addon for something turned into an XF addon. It's almost entirely made out of PHP, and it requires a database. It doesn't need more...
  14. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Where do I find this?

    I'm currently wanting to edit the members page on my forums, and I've met a small issue... I'm using UI.X and a custom edit of XenStaff, and I do not want the staff page displayed on the /members page for various reasons. Does anyone know what template this nav-tab is stored in?
  15. DoubleThePsycho

    XF 1.5 Timed user upgrade?

    Hello. Is there a way to make users get a new group after X amounts of days?
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