Recent content by DiweyDays

  1. DiweyDays

    [MS] - Raffle [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
  2. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    Hello, in the last update, I made an update that is either 1 year, 2 months, and 10 days 2 years, 1 month, and 5 days or 3 years, 5 months, and 1 day If you are still experiencing issues, it is entirely related to your language.
  3. DiweyDays

    XF 2.2 Calendar Day, Month, Year Format - Is There No Setting for This?

    /admin.php?languages/ Check the language and date settings you are using.
  4. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    @Robert9 If the issue still persists after the update, I will generate new sentences and words from scratch for the addon.
  5. DiweyDays

    Unmaintained [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) - V:1.0.15

    ( [1] days, months, years) = Updated to ( [1] day, month, year). The removal of strtolower letter casing has been discontinued. Theme settings have been added to enable toggling settings in different themes. Instead of changing the participation date, the option to add an additional date has...
  6. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    DiweyDays updated [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) with a new update entry: V:1.0.15 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    if you provide a more detailed explanation, I'd be interested in updating the plugin. I didn't fully understand what you mentioned earlier.
  8. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)
  9. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    Hello, I don't quite understand what kind of problem this part causes. It just converts to lowercase. Are "Years" and "years" different expressions or terms? in this context, both XenForo's and externally added words are used. If a different language is used instead of "years," such as...
  10. DiweyDays

    Unmaintained [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) - V:1.0.14

    The code in template changes has been minimized (to prevent issues in external themes).
  11. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    DiweyDays updated [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) with a new update entry: V:1.0.14 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    In version 1.0.13, the concepts of "year month day" were updated to "years months days". It works seamlessly in the default theme. If you encounter any issues in external themes, you will need to make adjustments based on your theme in the template changes section (message_macros).
  13. DiweyDays

    Unmaintained [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) - V:1.0.13

    The words for day, month, and year have been corrected. Abbreviations for day, month, and year have been added. The day cycle has been checked.
  14. DiweyDays

    [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days)

    DiweyDays updated [XENMS] - User joined date (year month day) with a new update entry: V:1.0.13 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. DiweyDays

    Unmaintained [XENMS] - User joined date (years months days) - V:1.0.12

    Composer and Carbon packages have been removed. Time operations are now performed using the PHP datetime class. File size has been reduced from 3MB to 16KB. A timestamp has been added to the user registration time, displaying the date of registration. NOTE: The plugin can be updated in this...
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