Recent content by DivineSky

  1. DivineSky

    XF 1.4 Rounded Avatar editor issue

    This works great except in the Member list and Profile Followers and people you're following, It's rounded but with the image inside being a square, Any clue how to fix it?
  2. DivineSky

    [8WR] XenRio (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    Giving this Addon Widget framework support or instructions on how to convert the xenporta block to widget framework would make me buy this ASAP for several sites. At the current state however it just seems bad marketing to turn down such a feature just to promote your own Portal or because it's...
  3. DivineSky

    Teamspeak Integration

    Ive been using this mod for almost a year without issues up until recently i updated my xenforo from 1.3 to the latest 1.3.4 and ever since im getting the following errors and the viewer doesn't update for prolonged periods of time, and then all of the sudden works fine again, Im using a VPS and...
  4. DivineSky


    It seems that the post-bit collapse toggle never saves the user selection, After every page refresh or change i would have to repeat the process. Anyone else experience this or tested it? Forum toggle remembers the user selection fine.
  5. DivineSky

    XF 1.2 Disable Forum description for Mobile?

    Currently when setting "Enable Forum Descriptions Tooltips" the hover will work fine, But when switching to a Mobile it will just show the description under the Node, (I understand this is intentional) I would just like to instead not show Any description at all on mobiles and Hover tooltips...
  6. DivineSky

    Multi Prefix [Paid]

    Is it possible to Setup Different prefixes to be used as First and Second? as in example have 1st Prefix List: - PC, - Xbox, - PSN, - Nintendo 2nd Prefix List - Shooter, Stategy, Fighters, Racing, Multi, etc. Furthermore allowing us to Force the 1st Prefix to be used, But leaving the second...
  7. DivineSky

    XF 1.2 How to Hide link node inside Forum Node but still have it show on main forum?

    Hello anyone watching this thread Im in need of some help here today, Not sure how to word this so the best way to explain what im trying to accomplish to do is the following pics. But still Keep them showing on the main forum Is there any way to accomplish this with a simple code in...
  8. DivineSky

    Jazz up your bullet lists

    Works great but would it be possible to also make it work on Xenporta RecentNews section somehow?
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