Recent content by DigitalForgeOnline

  1. D

    Holiday Garland With Ringing Balls

    Hey its great but it blocks the whole top bar, so alerts admin cp etc.
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    Add-on Multi Use Bug Tracker

    Yes I actually do make use of them for other purposes but I find that it will be easier to organize bug reports in an organized interface as they pile up rather quickly and threads get moved up and down a lot.
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    Add-on Multi Use Bug Tracker

    Hey, I am an owner of a minecraft server which uses XenForo as the forum software for my site. I think it would be neat if someone made a multi use bug tracker that users could use to report bugs regarding the minecraft server or the site. Then users with permission can mark the bug as fixed, in...
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    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    Really sad seeing a paid plugin have completely no support a few weeks after release, maybe @Kainzo can do something about it?
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    [Herocraft Development ] Minecraft Server Status Block [Paid] [Deleted]

    When do you plan on adding support for multiple server listing within one block?
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    Add-on Force User Field

    Hey, just a simply addon that will force every registered member to fill out a new user field added by an administrator before they are allowed to do anything. Thanks. :)
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    Forcing Already Registered Members to fill out a New Text Field

    There is no addon or anything that will make a popup forcing you to do it?
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    Forcing Already Registered Members to fill out a New Text Field

    Hmm the problem is that I have alot of usergroups on my forum...
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    Forcing Already Registered Members to fill out a New Text Field

    Hello, so basically I recently added a mandatory text field upon registration to my website. So all NEW members need to fill it out. How can I force all existing members who registered before this text field existed, to fill it out or else they are limited on my website.
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    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Is it possible to see the stats outside the admin pannel? So my regular users can see it?
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    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Server Error Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'game_hours_recent' in 'field list' Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115 Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381 Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in...
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    XF 1.1 Promotions

    Hey there. I have a situation in my community where I need to allow my moderators to change the usergroup of somebody up to a certain group. Is there any way, without giving FULL admin cp to the mod, to allow the mod to promote up to a certain groups?
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    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    When using the Google Ad Sense module, how can I display ads in more then 1 spot? I can only drag the module to one place...
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