Recent content by dewanita

  1. dewanita

    How To Edit Forum Width?

    im using 1.5 with this way, how to make it not changing smartphone view? Thank
  2. dewanita

    XF 1.2 Resize big Image

    can you help me for it? Thank you... i want make for mobile view max-width 100% but for desktop just 50% Thank you
  3. dewanita

    XF 1.2 Resize big Image

    i put this code .message .messageContent .messageText img { max-width: 50%; } <xen:if is="@enableResponsive"> .message .messageContent .messageText img { max-width: 100%; } </xen:if> But, This makes 100% max-widht on desktop view. am i wrong for the code? Thank you
  4. dewanita

    XF 1.2 Resize big Image

    it is possible for make it different between desktop and mobile? eg: in desktop max-width 50% and in mobile view 80% Thank you
  5. dewanita

    XenWord Pro [Deleted]

    Any coupon code? Thank you
  6. dewanita


    How to make the user info horizontal like this screenshoot Thank you
  7. dewanita

    Cloud Pro [Paid]

    Hi, admin i try to add t20x90 banner on ad_above_top_breadcrumb and other ad placement, but when see it with smartphone the image is not responsive how to fix it? i used cloud pro Thank you
  8. dewanita

    XF 1.5 Error xf_search_index' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

    Hi All I have some error here this is the ss How to repair it? my version is 1.5.4 Thank you
  9. dewanita

    Other Thread Counts and Thread Reply Counts

    if it possible to make both of these different? Not just " messages" thank you
  10. dewanita

    [2.0] Threads counter

    I need it too any other add on similiar wtih that?
  11. dewanita

    Add user's post count in postbit?

    is possible to only display the thread counts? if not, what the recommend add on to do it? thanks
  12. dewanita

    Flat Awesome - [Deleted]

    What is possible to display the computation thread and post replies calculations differently? distinguish between Thread Count and Thread Reply Counts thank you
  13. dewanita

    Flat Awesome - [Deleted]

    how to make details like in the red box (see attachment) below avatar and What is possible to display the computation thread and post replies calculations differently? thank you
  14. dewanita

    Hide Spoiler Content to Guest

    im using it on my 1.5 and it's still working
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