Recent content by Darq

  1. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

    this is interesting. a page with this line on it: will cause it to 500. Using tags fixes it however.
  2. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Well, Jaxel has his site running on 1.1, I'm guessing he's also running XenPorta 1.5.0, because if he'd have done anything to make it compatible, I'd assume he'd post it here.
  3. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    I've fixed this. Dropped Portal tables from database, ran the 1.4.4 XML installer, and then went to remove it, worked fine.
  4. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) This is the error I was getting. Due to the suggestion that I should replace the 1.4.4 install.php with the 1.5.0 install.php, I no longer have a 1.4.4 install.php, I foolishly did not save it when...
  5. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    I sure did read it, and I understand fully the I need to remove 1.4.4 before I can install 1.5.0. The problem is, I can not remove 1.4.4. I don't really want to try replacing all 1.4.4 files with 1.5.0 before I even have 1.4.4 uninstalled in the ACP, unless I have confirmation that someone else...
  6. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Have you done that? Has it worked? Or is doing this potentially going to cause some large issues for me.
  7. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Tried, but to no avail. I now get this error when trying: Invalid model 'EWRporta_Model_Blocks' specified XenForo_Model::create() in EWRporta/Install.php at line 161 EWRporta_Install->_uninstall_0() in EWRporta/Install.php at line 156 EWRporta_Install::uninstallCode() call_user_func() in...
  8. Darq

    PHPBB3 again

    Fear not! It'll get done eventually.. I went the phpBB3 > vB 3 > Xenforo route; It was a fairly small board, though, maybe 2000 posts.. import still went great, though! Have been a happy user of Xenforo since May. Best $140 I ever spent on the internet.
  9. Darq

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Same issue, yet I've un-installed it before just fine, though. Also made sure none of the XenPorta templates were edited. Kind of stumped on this one, was planning on updating to 1.5 today. :S
  10. Darq

    i have a warez xenforo

    Well didn't this turn into quite the war.
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