Recent content by Daracon

  1. Daracon

    Creating a beautiful looking SPOILER tag...

    try to add in your extra.css .bbCodeSpoiler .spoilerContent { display: none; }
  2. Daracon

    Fixed Inline moderation doesn't appear at times

    Opera does not show any errors :( There the error on ...after hard refresh: The problem is, that it does not always happen :( For example: Now it's working on the thread overview but it "appears" when I go into the "Before Posting..." Thread. It's strange :/ On my local...
  3. Daracon

    Fixed Inline moderation doesn't appear at times

    I have a small issue with Opera 11.52 on Windows 7/Mac OSX and XenForo 1.1 Beta 5. It can happen that some JavaScript things won't load properly. For example: Notices or Inline-Edit Popups. To reproduce, you have to clear your browser cache. Create a global notice, or even use the closed...
  4. Daracon

    Not a bug AddThis is hardcodet

    It's the name of a service, my guess it's intended.
  5. Daracon

    Open Attached Images in a Lightbox

    It's not finished yet, so this is a bug I think ;)
  6. Daracon


    I have the same problem with a new installation of this addon. The change of the mood_id to zero did not fixed it for me.
  7. Daracon

    1&1: Denied access to the database

    you're welcome ;) yes, an optional config string would be great, but i can live with the workaround. i had to do the same for vb4 and ipb before ;)
  8. Daracon

    The "I promise to buy a license, guaranteed" Thread

    I will buy a license for sure :)
  9. Daracon

    to woltlab burning board users

    I liked wbb 2 alot. it was cheap, had a great mod community.When i started to earn money i switched to vb and never looked back. But I do not like the look and feel of wbb3
  10. Daracon

    Implemented [Suggestons] Smilies

    wow they look awesome!
  11. Daracon

    How did you find XenForo?

    Floris tweet ^^
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