Recent content by cyrilmalka

  1. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.1 404 on all pages

    Hello, Brogan, YES! It worked! Thank you very much :) Regards, Cyril
  2. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.1 404 on all pages

    Hello, djbaxter, I went to AdminCP >> Setup >> Options >> Basic Board Information (there is nothing called Board URL) where I checked: Enable board URL canonicalization. It didn't change anything (I tried it with another browser just in case)
  3. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.1 404 on all pages

    Set-up -> Option - there is nothing called "URL and path". Not even under "Thread, discussions and conversations"
  4. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.1 404 on all pages

    Hello, After I changed hosting, and I moved my forum, all the post now give a 404 error. I have tried to delete the .htaccess but it didn't change anything. I can login and access the panel, but all post send me to a 404 page (I don't have any add-on) What have I missed? Thanks in advance...
  5. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 Two steps verification for ever?

    Oh, sorry: I found out that in my profile, there is a checkmark saying: Check to disable two step verification. I checked it, and it's now disables. So I rest my case :) Regards, Cyril
  6. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 Two steps verification for ever?

    Hello, When I was setting Xenforo up, I accidentally activated the two steps verification for Administrator. But I found it annoying because it asks me for it a first time when I log in, and a second time if I want to log on to administration panel. So in Edit User Group: Administration, I...
  7. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 How do you do to receive payments

    Haaaaaaaa! Thank you very much :) Thank you :)
  8. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 How do you do to receive payments

    Hello, I would like to use my forum as a virtual course so people have to pay to participate in the different "classrooms". I could find the Payment profile in the setup, but I don't see how to put a price on a forum and how to connect it to this profile. Is there a step by step somewhere...
  9. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 After hacking, I need to reinstall Xenforo... How?

    All right: After finishing uploading the forum (full version), it works again and the design is untouched (yes, I removed the "install" folder after the transfer was done). Thank you, everyone :) See you around. Regards, Cyril
  10. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 After hacking, I need to reinstall Xenforo... How?

    Thank you all. I saw just now that someone answers that I can upload the update version but I just saw it and I am already uploading the full version right now (I only saw the first answer in my mail). Yes, Brad, I was very relieved when I saw the databases weren't touched, because, as you...
  11. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 After hacking, I need to reinstall Xenforo... How?

    Thank you. Which files? From the update or from the full installation?
  12. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 After hacking, I need to reinstall Xenforo... How?

    Hello, Some of our sites have been hacked and I had to remove some corrupt files everywhere, to reinstall wordpress, etc. My Xenforo-forum was hit too. My databases haven't been touched, so they are fine. How can I reinstall Xenforo without losing my layout, colors, graphics, etc? Is there a...
  13. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 Notification to admin or moderator when someone post?

    Oooooh! I was looking into the settings... (sorry, really new at this) Thank you very much :) Regards, Cyril
  14. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 Notification to admin or moderator when someone post?

    No, because I can't see where to turn it on. How do you do that? Regards, Cyril
  15. cyrilmalka

    XF 2.0 Notification to admin or moderator when someone post?

    Hello, I would like the moderators and/or the admin to receive a mail whenever someone posts something in my forum, but I can't see how to do it. Is it possible? If yes, how? Thank you in advance for your answers. Regards, Cyril
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