Recent content by cwe

  1. cwe

    Unfurl - domain exceptions (blacklist)

    I enjoy the XF unfurl feature for the most part. External links usually look nice in posts when it works. External links look fine (raw URL) when it doesn't. However, there is one domain that vexes me terribly - All links to news items on "unfurl" to a simple link with...
  2. cwe

    Affiliate links [Paid]

    I asked Andy to update his older affiliate mods to work like his Link Manager (LM) mod and this mod was the result. I've tested it and it works great. If you use his LM mod as well, just be sure to add your affiliate link domains to the LM exclusion list.
  3. cwe


    * necro bump * I pm'd FredC years ago and never got a response - looks lilke he has not been active since 2017. I was wondering if anyone has made a cafepress widget for XF that is available for the community (whether free or paid)? It seems that cafepress offers a few free widgets for...
  4. cwe

    XF 2.3 Introducing Stripe Checkout, PayPal's REST API and more! This was published today. I wonder what opportunities or impact it might have on the XF integration...
  5. cwe

    Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values

    Same. Stripe broadcasts to all webhook endpoints when processing a payment for some dumb reason.
  6. cwe

    Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values

    I have two XF forums. Started using Stripe on one forum. After 3 months of working fine, I set up second forum to use Stripe. Got this error consistently ever since then.
  7. cwe

    XF 2.3 What's new with Enhanced Search, Resource Manager and Media Gallery in XenForo 2.3?

    Nice developments. Will the deferred join optimizations make their way into the core XF (page/thread rendering) too?
  8. cwe

    New thread type - sealed response

    Non-bold might be a bit difficult to do as the sealed responses may not be easily summarized depending upon the nature of the thread. I think that is probably something better handled by the human that started the thread. Bold was the intended behavior (even if I didn't explicitly mention it). :)
  9. cwe

    Add-on Widget using coingecko api

    Niche interest perhaps, but would be cool to be able to draw real time crypto trading data using their API:
  10. cwe

    XF 2.2 Deleting an email address - can member still log in?

    I haven't tested it, but that was my understanding.
  11. cwe

    how can i make sure my forum stays up after i die?

    Create a trust or corporation and assuming your site is financially self sufficient, the trust/company can pay expenses for a manager to keep the operation going after you are gone.
  12. cwe

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    If the magic formula for trending can be tweaked, I would think that replies should have a higher weight than views and views from logged in members should weight more than views from guests. Otherwise, threads highlighted any trending widgets will become self reinforcing trend leaders as they...
  13. cwe

    XF 2.2 Deleting an email address - can member still log in?

    I set the user state to Email invalid (bounced). AFAIK, they would get a message urging them to update their email if they ever returned.
  14. cwe

    New thread type - sealed response

    Perhaps I didn't fully flesh out the idea in the OP, but my intention was for sealed threads to display like normal during the sealed/hidden period. You would still see that replies had been posted and the forum members that posted said replies. The difference being that during the...
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