Recent content by CreationNation

  1. CreationNation

    [TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons

    Hi Matt. I had installed it last night and for whatever reason, those links weren't showing up for me. The nodes were active and doing their thing so it was working, but just that layout and styling link was nowhere to be found (even refreshed, disabled, reenabled, etc.). I am on latest using XF...
  2. CreationNation

    [TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons

    I'm a little (ok, a lot) behind and just realized, after much toiling, that the Themehouse stuff is winding down (saw the blog post link). For those that are installing this addon (which was great!) - it looks like the forum>Node Styling bit has been done away with, probably due to some updates...
  3. CreationNation

    XF 2.0 remove /forums/ from links

    I had found that but was hoping there would be a global somewhere hidden for just eliminating /forum/ everywhere vs. individual forums. Thanks!
  4. CreationNation

    XF 2.0 remove /forums/ from links

    Hi Mike. Is this still the case with route filters? I just moved to your cloud service, and used to have my forum in /forum/ - but now I am running off the root. Wanted to see if anything has changed with route filters before I dive in since this post was a few years old. Thanks!
  5. CreationNation

    XF 1.5 Large forum & overdue upgrade from 1.5.4, questions

    I have a large forum (Discussions:1,259,891, Messages:10,076,273, Members:155,563) and I am looking to make the upgrade from 1.5.4 to latest. Back in the day I was usually one to upgrade to new versions as they came out. I remember being freaked when 2 was being released because of the change...
  6. CreationNation

    XF 1.4 Small group of users unable to stay logged in (Safari / iOS)

    One more followup. I do have at least one user who has a 3rd gen ipad, uses Safari, it checking "stay logged in" and is not in private mode, yet he is always getting booted (I know, because he constantly lets me know about it). Are there any issues or other things to check that I am not aware of?
  7. CreationNation

    Add-on "Users viewing nodes, forums, threads" - good budget & conditions

    @dutchbb This is exactly what I need as well. I'd be willing to throw some $ your way to share? Did you ever get this completed?
  8. CreationNation

    Add-on Classifieds addon development discussion

    1-2 and I also would like the option of free with paid ability (upgrade) as well. If I had to choose one or the other - paid. Thanks!
  9. CreationNation

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    @ThemeHouse have any of the above been addressed behind the scenes or ? I'm thinking of buying this add-on (and also would love the open ended option), but it's coming off as a bunch of open "issues" so wanted to check. Thanks!
  10. CreationNation


    I just tried to install this with the Insta;; & Upgrade Add-on and got this: Callback Andy_Donations_Listener::addNavbarTab is invalid (Invalid Class). FYI - a manual install works like a champ.
  11. CreationNation

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Great addon! One issue I ran into today, want to make sure I am using it correctly. I had removed the video category under options as I did not want all the ones in there except the ones that were default to xenforo. When I unchecked those, it actually overwrote and removed the default...
  12. CreationNation

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Awesome, thanks!
  13. CreationNation

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Is there a way, that once you uncheck categories from the options screen, that it only shows the sites from your enabled categories on the embed media screen? I only have music and movies checked, but still see this on the embed modal:
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