Recent content by coctien12

  1. coctien12

    Hiding a private forum?

    1) Is it possible to hide a private forum so it isn't listed on the board for everyone to see? I'd like only the ones in the private forum to know it's there. 2) Is it possible to allow unregistered guests to see the names of forums and subforms but be unable to view them until they register...
  2. coctien12

    Duplicate Member of the day/week/month/year awards

    I would like to have in xenforo an award system (related to trophy system and criteria?) in which the "best" user of the day/week/month/year can be awarded. The awarded members will have the award displayed in their profile (and user info?) They will temporarily match criteria during last...
  3. coctien12

    Duplicate Suggestion: Yahoo! integration

    Please! Consider! Adding! Yahoo! Integration! As! Well!
  4. coctien12

    Converting Mybb to Xenforo

    I did read that i was able to convert mybb to xenforo with the importer option, but what i am struggling to understand is how do i upload xenforo to be able to import it. I set up my mybb myself but im really no tech wiz at much of this so any help would be great, want to know i can do it before...
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