Recent content by chronic

  1. chronic

    BitPay Integration [Paid]

  2. chronic

    BitPay Integration [Paid]

    I just purchased this on your website and it won't let me download it. After clicking "download", it takes me to an XML error page... Please help.
  3. chronic

    XF 2.1 Smart Sticky - Mobile

    It would be really nice to integrate something like Headroom.js (or similar) to the xenForo. There are a few names that are used to describe this function I am talking about. Some call it a Smart Sticky and some call it an Auto-Hide Sticky Header. Mobile device screens can get crowded fast...
  4. chronic


    Are there currently any extensions available that add a layer of encryption or protection to the Xenforo platform? I was hoping I could add some sort of extra layer of security to the messaging system (for user to user communications). Anything like this available? I searched a little and...
  5. chronic

    Partial fix Google search console: sitemap pending due to query string param

    I have forwarded this to Google. Should have a clear answer soon (and maybe some extra information).
  6. chronic

    Not planned Copyright Suggestion

    I just want to be 100% sure. You know.
  7. chronic

    Not planned Copyright Suggestion

    Sounds good. I wasn't aware that we could alter the design of it at all. Really quick though, can it be moved to a different position on each page without violating any rules?
  8. chronic

    Not planned Copyright Suggestion

    Thank you.
  9. chronic

    Not planned Copyright Suggestion

    I totally understand where you're coming from and I am aware of the cost. I wasn't suggesting the cost be different or that I didn't know about it. I am sorry for not being more specific. My bad. I was just making a suggestion to add a few options for the copyright so it could be moved to a...
  10. chronic

    Not planned Copyright Suggestion

    First off, I am not complaining about the price. Not at all. But I think that if you offered some options in the Admin CP for the copyright, that some people wouldn't mind it. Things like: location colors maybe a choice between a few preconfigured fonts 2 or 3 preconfigured sizes etc ...
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