
Hi. My name is Tank.

I currently work for Google and Chronic Research & Development. Nowadays I am just a marketing and SEO consultant for Google, but I have worked in many different areas for them over the years. I started working with CHRONIC RD a few years ago on non-traditional solutions and I have been with them ever since.

I purchased Xenforo for a client. I have been using phpBB for most of our research studies over the years and I am thinking about upgrading our firm's phpBB research to Xenforo for conducting our psychological research for consumer behavioral trends and studies.

Xenforo has a lot more to offer. Although we usually stick to free, open-source platforms for our research, I think that the change to Xenforo would be a lot more beneficial.

So I am here to help build a client's site and also learn about Xenforo.
Consumer Psychology R&D Consultant
Other forum software used
  1. MyBB
  2. phpBB
  3. vBulletin 3.x


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    First anniversary

    You've been registered here for a year, congratulations!
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    Somebody likes you

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
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