Recent content by Chromaniac

  1. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 RSS Feed For New Threads (Not The Updated Ones)?

    IIRC @AndyB has an addon that generates a feed for latest threads.
  2. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 "Activity summary" email trigger / how often?

    admin.php?cron/activitySummaryEmail/edit there is a cron entry for it. Tools > Cron Entries > Send activity summary email
  3. Chromaniac

    Trending content weight for certain nodes/categories

    Most forums have on-topic forums in addition to some off-topic ones. Some offtopic conversations do end up getting popular and big. While it is fun to see offtopic threads appearing in trending widget... The widget becomes kind of pointless if most threads appearing there are from offtopic...
  4. Chromaniac

    s9e Media Sites

    the dark variant on 2.3! default xenforo theme. the update you shipped few days ago. it works fine on chrome. but was using firefox today for something and noticed twitter embeds were white. example post also just noticed that this might be happening in chrome as well if system option is...
  5. Chromaniac

    s9e Media Sites

    just wanted to post this as a fyi. the dark mode for embeds like twitter does not seem to work on firefox at my end on dark theme on 2.3. no one has complained so far though. i guess the user base on firefox is just negligible or maybe it's just broken at my end. thanks!
  6. Chromaniac

    Counter for tags in the tags popup with info on what's allowed!

    XenForo shows the limitation on user account with respect to tags only after the user tries to submit the tags. It might be just better to show a tag counter along with number of tags user is allowed to add. Without a tag counter, it is not easy to see how many tags need to be removed before the...
  7. Chromaniac

    Set date while marking a thread as featured (XenForo 2.3)

    Noticed today that date/time option is not available while marking a thread as featured. To backdate the featured label, one has to go back and modify featured setting. Putting a date/time field in this popup shouldn't make it too crowded considering it already is hidden by default.
  8. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 So, Where did Xenforo get these reaction emojis?

    styles/default/xenforo/smilies/emojione/thumbsup.png does work but appears compressed in the reaction bar lol.
  9. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 So, Where did Xenforo get these reaction emojis?

    2.3 has switched to emojis for reactions. if you upgrade from 2.2, i think previous settings are retained though one of the reaction was messed up for me. i ended up switching to emojis manually. the thumbs up you are seeing here (i am not a fan lol) is the one from joypixels which is the...
  10. Chromaniac

    [duplicate] sitemap xmls visible when generation disabled

    i assume xenforo would not delete the extra files it created on beta 5 by itself. i suppose just cleaning up the sitemap folder and running a fresh sitemap generation on beta 6 should bring the sitemap files updated and to accurate number.
  11. Chromaniac

    [duplicate] sitemap xmls visible when generation disabled

    Ok. I am sort of confused by the question. But it's likely that you were affected by the Beta 5 bug that got fixed in Beta 6?
  12. Chromaniac

    Tagging behavior has changed since Beta 5

    So, if you copy paste a bunch of tags separated by comma, they do not become tags instantly. This behavior has changed since Beta 5. If this is intentional, it's alright. But it does have a few annoyances. Box resizes when tags are converted and it resizes again when dupes are cleaned up...
  13. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 Restore SQL data

    terminal. basically ssh access to your server. 1GB SQL file is easily doable with the command mentioned in the above linked resource! if you do not have ssh access to your server, upload the file on the server and ask your host to import it for you i suppose.
  14. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 Restore SQL data

    1GB should be easily doable over CLI even on a low end server config! I wouldn't suggest doing it over browser though.
  15. Chromaniac

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    oh i get that. i was more talking about the more established and stable newer players with officially listed Bots/IPs. i am not sure how regularly core database is updated. but there are a lot of newer bots in town like OpenAI and Google Extended which should be safe to add to core which...
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