Recent content by Cal

  1. Cal

    AERO Force Gaming |Forums

    As of today Aero is at 100 members and over 1K posts. Considering it's just two days over a month old....that's phenomenal!
  2. Cal

    XenForo's game forums list

    This forum does: Shame less plug? Not really. Ain't my forum. I just like it. ;)
  3. Cal

    Localhost VB to XF Forum

    Yeah I believe there's more than that. Check the repository and search for "vbulletin".
  4. Cal

    I GOT A CAT!!!!!

    Cats are cool. Is it a boy or a girl? Boys tend to be a lot more playful in my experience. We have one guy who's 4 years old, big farm cat, but he thinks he's a kitten still.
  5. Cal

    Suggestions for Wordpress (responsive) theme?

    Genesis is pretty good. I would have chimed in with that as well...but it seems you've got it covered ;)
  6. Cal

    AERO Force Gaming |Forums

    So far this forum has been awesome. Love the design. Props to whoever made it. So if any of you ****s are into gaming...I think you should show up. Make some time. Join us and help it grow.
  7. Cal

    AERO Force Gaming |Forums

    Less is good. Although you need more variety than you currently have ;) I joined up. Nice theme and all.
  8. Cal

    AERO Force Gaming |Forums

    Looks good but there's not a lot of variety amongst the boards for discussion. Are you adding more forums soon? I may join up for the hell of it. I'm looking for a forum to join anyways :)
  9. Cal

    Selling License

    Xenforo does allow this, as does all softeares, however I cannot sell the offer here. It's Xenforo rules.
  10. Cal

    Selling License

    So I'm selling my whole general forum because I simply don't have time to do all this forum madness anymore. It's too fast paced for my busy schedule. Just wanted to know what the process entails and what the guy I'm selling it to would need to do (does he need to make a forum account or what?)...
  11. Cal

    Platinum Bundle (Light & Dark) [Deleted]

    Sort of but not least I think. Let me photoshop what I mean so you can see. If I can achieve a result like this (and for it to still be responsive - which would mean that added image would need to resize as well) then this theme would work perfectly for me.
  12. Cal

    Platinum Bundle (Light & Dark) [Deleted]

    Very nice theme. I'm thinking of buying it but I did have one question first. If I wanted to add a banner above the navigation menu (I'm just old school like that) would that break the responsive layout?
  13. Cal

    Move login link to navigation bar

    The newest one :-/
  14. Cal

    Move login link to navigation bar

    Looks good. I had some trouble. I don't actually have the code in step #2 in my navigation template. Any ideas? I'd post the template but apparently it's got too many characters...
  15. Cal

    Registration Referrer Member AutoComplete

    Yeah...way confused. :cry:
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