Recent content by Brad Mills

  1. Brad Mills

    XF 1.2 Registration Emails Going To Junk

    Hey folks, I had my forum up on a domain, - but registration emails were going to the junk folder. I thought maybe this domain was ISP blacklisted, so I moved the whole forum over to another domain,, but the same thing is happening. How do I prevent the...
  2. Brad Mills

    XF 1.2 NEWB: How To Add Users to Custom UserGroup?

    I don't want it to be able to be indexed by google - will doing like you suggest prevent it from being indexed by google? Or would it be better to make it private?
  3. Brad Mills

    Credits [Deleted]

    I offered him $75 to do it by Wedenesday, $125 to do it by Tuesday and $200 to do it by Monday! Like a true opportunist, he agreed :) Can't wait to get this working for my forum - I'm not sure how much he is going to sell it for when it's ready, but I'm pumped that @******* moves fast.
  4. Brad Mills

    XF 1.2 NEWB: How To Add Users to Custom UserGroup?

    Looking for newb help. Guides are too complicated, googled for 30 minutes trying to find the answer. I made a usergroup: TO see this private node: Set the node to be private and only viewable by members of that group: Can't figure...
  5. Brad Mills

    Credits [Deleted]

    @******* This looks great. I just read all 19 pages and setup my Credits addon, it looks good so far! I would like to pay for some custom work for a REFERRAL feature. I would like my users to be able to refer others with a custom referral URL, and earn credits for every user that joins using...
  6. Brad Mills

    Credits [Deleted]

    You give your users real money? Whats the url?
  7. Brad Mills

    Add-on Install & Upgrade

    Has anyone ever received these messages: mkdir(): Permission denied XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() mkdir() in XenForo/Helper/File.php at line 68 XenForo_Helper_File::createDirectory() in AddOnInstaller/Model/AddOn.php at line 17...
  8. Brad Mills

    Octane (6 colors now!) - [Deleted]

    What are some forums using this theme? I'd like to see how it works in the wild, other than the demo site :)
  9. Brad Mills

    xenFracture Style [Paid] [Deleted]

    John is there any way to customize the theme to make the background of the posts a bit lighter gray? I'm a big fan of the color theme at - your theme is probably the closest to that on here, but it's just a tad too dark for me, I get eye strain after 10 mins of reading on darkish...
  10. Brad Mills

    LOL "MySQLi" Not Installed

    I put in a ticket for hostgator, they fixed it
  11. Brad Mills

    LOL "MySQLi" Not Installed

    I have the same message on a hostgator dedicated box. Just put in a ticket
  12. Brad Mills

    [bd] Medal

    Hey guys- can someone give me an idea for how to use this? Not sure exactly what I would use this for, even though it seems pretty cool.
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