Recent content by BoUk

  1. BoUk

    XF 2.1 Sporadic Registration rejection due to startTime check in RegisterForm

    Hi all, Hope it's ok to write here. The thing is, I am experiencing the exact same behavior as described in this thread. After trying to investigate, I can confirm, that registration works, but if I fail to fill registration form correctly, whole process starts failing in method...
  2. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Public poll

    Thanks a lot
  3. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Public poll

    Hi, I am having no luck to setup public poll. Is that possible with Xenforo 2? Even if I explicitly set permsissions for Unregistered/Uncofirmed group to 'Allow Vote on Polls' it's still doesn't let me. Thanks for pointing me into right direction.
  4. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Smilies per theme

    Thanks for the clarification.
  5. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Restrict private messaging to certain groups

    Cheers mate. Thought so, but at the same time, I thought I'll quickly check first.
  6. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Restrict private messaging to certain groups

    Hi Steve, Thanks for quick response. I am not sure though, if we are after same thing here. Let's say I have two user groups - Group 1 and Group 2 I'd like to be able to allow conversations only between users which belongs to Group 1. In a same way users who belong to Group 2, would be able...
  7. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Smilies per theme

    Hi, Is there a posibility with xenforo 2 to have set of smilies available per template basis only? Thanks a lot.
  8. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Restrict private messaging to certain groups

    Hi, Have just wanted to check if there's any solution available out of the box, which would allow me to restrict PMs to only certain user groups. So basically only users in same group would be able to PM each other. Thanks for your input.
  9. BoUk

    Multiple Memcache Servers Config File Setting

    Hmm...Looking into the CacheFactory.php I think something like this should do: $config['cache']['config']['servers'] = array( array( 'IP1', 11211), array( 'IP2', 11211) ); So pretty much same think as for Xen 1
  10. BoUk

    Multiple Memcache Servers Config File Setting

    Hi all, anyone able to clarify, how this config should look like in Xenforo 2. Documentation explains just 1 memcached server: $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['provider'] = 'Memcached'; $config['cache']['config'] = [ 'server' => '' ]; Thanks a lot
  11. BoUk

    XenCentral Multisite System [Paid]

    Thanks for the quick response @XCentral.
  12. BoUk

    XenCentral Multisite System [Paid]

    Hi, I just wanted to quickly ask for some update re the version of addon for xenforo 2? Do you think it's going to be released in near future? Or would that be possible to have your alpha version for play till the stable is released? I am working on a project, where I am migrating data from...
  13. BoUk

    XF 2.0 Connected Accounts - Google provider

    Hi, anyone else experiencing issues when trying to setup google for login/registration? I get redirected to URL below after successful verification by Google...
  14. BoUk

    Partial fix Server error logs

    They keep happening randomly and it's clean install of Xenforo 2. No upgrade.
  15. BoUk

    Partial fix Server error logs you go: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to XF\Template\Templater::setUserBanners() must be of the type array, boolean given, called in /var/sites/y/ on line 1449 src/XF/Template/Templater.php:397 Generated by: Unknown account Dec 15, 2017 at...
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