Recent content by Blum

  1. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    I haven't used this in a while because I closed down my last forum but I'm looking at this again with a fresh use case in mind. It must be fairly straightforward to support other image services when there's a public, well-documented API right? Like DeviantArt for example. I'm reasonably certain...
  2. Blum

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    I know this is a huge ask, do you think it'd be possible get Chat 2 to work with the Matterbridge API? That would make it easy for admins to bridge their forum chat with basically every major type of chatroom out there.
  3. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Not to my knowledge, but they have support for embedding with a predictable URL structure. I think s9e uses it. https://www.bit becomes https://www.bit I put in spaces to get around the word filter.
  4. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Thanks for the update. Any chance we could get Bit Chute support? It's getting quite popular. ...The proper name and URL of this video service are censored here because the two words that make up its name contain a swear without a space between.
  5. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    Loving this add-on. Just a heads up, is dead and probably isn't coming back. Someone apparently harassed and threatened their staff members. Their site's been down for about a week and the app store apps are gone.
  6. Blum

    PlayFusion [Deleted]

    I'm seeing a server error on all of your theme demos.
  7. Blum

    [TH] Notifier - with Slack integration [Deleted]

    I've been waiting for this to get a 2.x release, but it seems to drop Slack webhooks in favor of the Slack API? I'm not familliar with this. Did Slack discontinue the webhook method? I don't actually use Slack, but I remember using Discord and Rocket.Chat with the 1.x release of this addon...
  8. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Sorry to double post. Found another apparent bug. The phrase EWRmedio_members_who_reacted_to_media_x will render its contents Members who reacted to comment by {user} without resolving {user} into the user's name.
  9. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    I found the phrase responsible for this. It's simply called "media" and it is not marked as belonging to XenMedio. An oversight perhaps?
  10. Blum

    Add-on (a very cool new OpenSource A/V Chat) - Integration for XF?

    Did this ever go anywhere? I'm looking for something similar in that I want a Xenforo install to serve as the login system for a Rocket.Chat server. It should be possible to use XF 2.1's new API system with Rocket.Chat's newish iframe-based authentication integration to achieve this but I...
  11. Blum

    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Is the "Media" phrase that shows up in peoples' profiles as a tab hard-coded? I just did changed every phrase for XenMedio that contained "Media" to "Video" and "Videos" so I could use it alongside XFMG without confusion. But that one instance didn't change.
  12. Blum

    Articles 11 & 13 from the EU Copyright Directive

    I heard about this. It's a very... interesting direction the EU wants to take the Internet in. Sadly, the most practical response for board owners will be to geoblock the EU market to avoid paying the licensing fees (if this passes as is).
  13. Blum

    New wiki system for XenForo

    XenCarta is a very capable tool if you figure out how to use it properly. That said, the immediate familiarity of MediaWiki would be a definite advantage insofar as getting people interested in contributing, moving over existing wikis etc. I could see myself using it.
  14. Blum

    Quick look at UI.X 2

    Awesome to see this finally available. I actually invested in XenForo because of the promise of this coming out. Wound up needing something with this functionality a little sooner though and installed Discourse. Might transition back at some point now that this is out. I noticed that Topics...
  15. Blum

    Reliable way to send email to users?

    Is there a free option to get emails to reliably show up in users' inboxes? Is there anything I can do to improve the likelihood of emails arriving? On two relatively small XF2 boards I'm running I've tried using both Mailgun and SendGrid to send email over SMTP and I get a large amount of...
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