Recent content by blogger419

  1. B

    [bd] Paygate: STRIPE

    I am trying to enable the paid user upgrades option. I am using the PayGates mod with the stripe gateway. I have added all the correct information, and enabled the upgrade. However, on the upgrade page (site/account/upgrades) nothing shows up. There is currently a "Premium grade" option that was...
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    [bd] Paygate: STRIPE

    I am having a similar issue. Nothing is showing up, no buttons, no nothing. I am using 1.4.
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    XF 1.4 User Upgrades Help

    I am trying to enable the paid user upgrades option. I am using the PayGates mod with the stripe gateway. I have added all the correct information, and enabled the upgrade. However, on the upgrade page (site/account/upgrades) nothing shows up. There is currently a "Premium grade" option that was...
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    XF 1.3 SMF --> PHPBB3 --> Xenforo Help

    Just out of curiosity how large was the forum, and how long did it take?
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    XF 1.3 SMF --> PHPBB3 --> Xenforo Help

    Have you personally tried this? I thought about using that, but from what i've read phpBB3 has the best converter.
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    XF 1.3 SMF --> PHPBB3 --> Xenforo Help

    Jake: I tried following the conversion steps listed here: Everything went fine except that none of the attachments moved over. It appears that smf assigns a number, or series of digits to attachments, and phpbb3 is looking for a...
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    XF 1.3 SMF --> PHPBB3 --> Xenforo Help

    No. That's what I was trying to get help with. None of them move..
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    XF 1.3 SMF --> PHPBB3 --> Xenforo Help

    I've tried doing this conversion 3 times now (SMF -> PHPBB3) and every time none of the attachments are moved. The posts seem to move over fine, but without the attachments it's basically worthless to me (its an image board). I've tried asking on the PHPBB3 site and it's a ghost town. Can...
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    SMF to XenForo

    Pardon my ignorance, but this is the only place where I've found people actually taking about how to do this. I purchased XF for the sole purpose of converting my SMF form to it and without this ability its basically worthless to me.
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    SMF to XenForo

    I've tried doing this conversion 3 times now (SMF -> PHPBB3) and every time none of the attachments are moved. The posts seem to move over fine, but without the attachments it's basically worthless to me (its an image board). I've tried asking on the PHPBB3 site and it's a ghost town. Can...
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    Third part image upload mod?

    Thanks a lot. I spent hours trying to find something like this.
  12. B

    Third part image upload mod?

    No ideas on this one? It seems like it would be a popular feature especially for large forums.
  13. B

    Third part image upload mod?

    I am wondering if there is a third party image upload mod similar to's mod for VB,SMF, and phpBB? Basically, I allow subscription members on my forum (SMF) to view and post attachments, "free" members can use the simple image upload mod to embed images. This is kind of a deal...
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    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    It doesn't have an option for nuber of pages, only number of threads per page. So if I set it for one thread per page it will create a new page for every thread.
  15. B

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    That keeps the Sticky post on top, but it then creates new "pages" for each subsequent thread. I just want the one static post, no other pages.
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