Recent content by blackhawk74

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    Calendar [Paid]

    I would wait until there's a reasonable update. There are still quite a few bugs that haven't been resolved in 2 years, and after paying $60 for this add-on, the author is asking for more money just to fix things, see this thread:
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    Partial fix Problems with Google Authentication Not Working

    Having the same issue with our site as well, would love to see an official response to this 👍 Just a note, having issues with connected accounts in general, not just Google.
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    Calendar [Paid]

    @NixFifty Did the latest update fix either of these issues? Would like to renew but these old bugs that haven't gotten any attention are honestly stopping me from...
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    XF 2.1 Super Moderator usergroup

    I suppose this circles back to the original request - it would be fantastic if these moderator status functions were available to permission groups, instead of requiring board admins to specify each user.
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    XF 2.1 Super Moderator usergroup

    If I want all users in the moderator group to be able to access approval queues, it looks like I need to explicitly promote each user within that group, no?
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    XF 2.1 Super Moderator usergroup

    Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but is this something that can be looked at for a future release? Seems silly to have to add a user to essentially another group individually, instead of just once. Being able to apply Moderator/Super Moderator permissions on a per-group basis would save...
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    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hi Jaxel, nice update! One issue I noticed after the update is some posts do not seem to fit properly:
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    [JUM] Connected Accounts

    Had some errors the other day: ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: email src/addons/JUM/ConnectedAccounts/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/Twitch.php:46 #0 src/addons/JUM/ConnectedAccounts/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/Twitch.php(46): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...'...
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    XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Connected Accounts) - NEW: ANALYTICS, XF1...

    I know this is an old post but I found it in a search, as many of my forum members are running into this issue more often than I'd like. Any thoughts?
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    Flat Awesome + - [Paid]

    Whoa, this is great and unexpected! Thank you so much, quite new to XF2 - taught me a few things here :)
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    Flat Awesome + - [Paid]

    Is there any way to set a background image, or add code somewhere to do so? In the XF1 version I added some code to the PAGE_CONTAINER template and used backstretch to add a nice rotating image background, however it does not seem to function the same in XF2.
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