Recent content by bhkien

  1. bhkien

    Resource Manager as a CMS?

    How can I have this feature?
  2. bhkien

    Mark Threads Done [Paid]

    Thank you.
  3. bhkien

    Mark Threads Done [Paid]

    Hi, I had already installed the Mark Threads Done addon and set "Allow users to mark threads done with prefix:" option (see bellow) But in that forum, I cannot see the function (Button) to let mark the thread done. How can I do to let this function appear? Thanks,
  4. bhkien

    Resolved (Mark this thread as Resolved) - [Deleted]

    Hi, Is this possible to set this feature for some specific forums only? Example we want to set this feature for some classified forums to let seller mark topic is completed. Thanks,
  5. bhkien

    Birthday Thread

    Hi, Is the birthdaythread_message a BBCode or HTML ? Thanks,
  6. bhkien

    Similar Threads Plus

    Thank you.
  7. bhkien

    Similar Threads Plus

    It means this add-on.
  8. bhkien

    Similar Threads Plus

    Does it consumes less server resource or run faster than Similar Thread?
  9. bhkien

    [WMTech] External Link Interstitial

    It's very interesting but I cannot download it. Please upload here for easier to download. Thanks,
  10. bhkien

    XenSocialize Pro [Paid] [Deleted]

    Interesting! Does it modify any table of Xenforo database? Thanks,
  11. bhkien

    Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

    I got the error messages:
  12. bhkien

    Mark Posts as Best Answer [Deleted]

    Hi, Does it compatible with Xenforo 1.4.x? Thanks,
  13. bhkien

    Add-on Changetips addon

    I am looking for an addon which providing user to tip each others. It may work like:
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