Recent content by Basilio

  1. Basilio

    Projects Manager - [Deleted]

    Will this addon be developed further?
  2. Basilio

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Found an error in 1.5.8. When deleting a promotion, an error occurs: [error] 976#0: *51248 FastCGI sent in stderr: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /var/www/[...]/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 95" while reading response header from upstream...
  3. Basilio

    Fixed Typo in XenForo_ControllerAdmin_User

    around line 275: else { $user['is_supder_admin'] = false; } Should be $user['is_super_admin']
  4. Basilio

    Is It Possible to Override <xen:username /> At All?

    Tested. It works. Thank you! PS Still there is a number of templates that use {$user.username} instead of the helper - they have to be updated somehow.
  5. Basilio

    Updating an overlay contents via AJAX

    One more questions - thanks to your explanation, I managed to replace the overlay with a new form. However, there is another thing - generally, I made both forms very similar (for the second one I just cloned the first template and replaced some text in it). However, in the second form I don't...
  6. Basilio

    Updating an overlay contents via AJAX

    Thank you very much. That's a tremendous answer. (y)
  7. Basilio

    Updating an overlay contents via AJAX

    Guys, can you please help me with this - I've figured out how to use the overlay, but what I want to do is grab the form contents, send them to the forum, get them analyzed, receive a response, and depending on that response take some action - either replace the contents of the overlay form with...
  8. Basilio

    Is It Possible to Override <xen:username /> At All?

    No, as of 1.1 it is not possible. This helper is called from XenForo_Template_Helper_Core class, which is not extendable. There is a discussion here - hopefully, this will be added in one of the future releases (you might actually help if you also post in that thread and ask for them to do it)...
  9. Basilio

    [Suggestion] Custom Display Name

    Sorry, somehow didn't find this thread through the search. In response to all those who are saying it's a real "no-feature". Think of it this way - perhaps, you've got a community for some MMO players, which are not on the same guild - obviously, you need some way to quickly determine, who's...
  10. Basilio

    [Suggestion] Custom Display Name

    I think I'm not the only one who would like to have a possibility to use custom display names - it's optional for them to be user-changeable, but would be nice to have that possibility for a third-party addon, or for an administrator. Obviously, the easiest way to do this is override the...
  11. Basilio

    XF 1.1 Problem with SEO-friendly links on nginx+apache2

    Thanks for efforts guys, in the end it still is a problem inside nginx, which is rather unexpected. The general idea of the setup I'm running is that nginx and apache are using the same root directories, but apache is serving all scripts, while nginx is serving all static content. The regexp is...
  12. Basilio

    XF 1.1 Problem with SEO-friendly links on nginx+apache2

    Actually, what I need is nginx serving on itself all requests to static files, and proxying everything else further to apache. In the end, it looks like I found the problem. Looks like nginx is simply ignoring the "$" in the regexp, and is treating the "js" part of the url (which is located in...
  13. Basilio

    XF 1.1 Problem with SEO-friendly links on nginx+apache2

    These rewrite rules are for a standalone install of nginx+fastcgi. I'm using nginx as caching proxy + apache, not sure how to update the nginx config in that case.
  14. Basilio

    XF 1.1 Problem with SEO-friendly links on nginx+apache2

    If I turn off friendly URLs, it works fine. It definitely is connected with the following condition in the nginx config: location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|doc|xls|exe|pdf|ppt|txt|tar|mid|midi|wav|bmp|rtf|js)$ { root /var/www; } When I...
  15. Basilio

    XF 1.1 Problem with SEO-friendly links on nginx+apache2

    Hello. I'm having a strange problem on nginx+apache2. Any time I'm trying to change an avatar through control panel, I'm getting a 404, sent by nginx (apparently it doesn't get to apache at all). The nginx log is as follows: (ip address) - - [24/Nov/2011:12:20:02 +0400] "GET...
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