Recent content by badabugs1

  1. B

    Ultimate Staff Page [Paid]

    Hi @Stylesfactory, I've bought a license a long time ago, and i would like to buy a renewal but my account doesn't exist anymore ? Can you help to renew my license ? BR
  2. B

    Future fix Mention autocomplete doesn't work in some cases where the username contains an '@' character

    There's the same problem when a user has a space in his username, will it fix this issue too ?
  3. B

    Pickem - FRENCH translation

    Hi there, Can you update the download link @Nicolas FR ? is down.
  4. B

    s9e Media Sites

    Hello @JoshyPHP, I've troubles with facebook links on my website : if i shared a video link, i have this : Link is not private ... (here is the link : )
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    XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    Hi, I'm using the feature options to put threads on my homepage. Im' just wondering how to put the title and the summary above (or below) the image ... Anyone knows how to do this trick ?
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    Ultimate Staff Page [Paid]

    Hello @Stylesfactory, How can i add a title to the staff page ?
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    XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Hello @Jaxel, Thank you for your great work. 👌 Is there anyway to import content from a youtube channel ? (i can upload playlist but i don't know if i can upload the full channel) Also, for the moment, i'm using the feed rss importer to create an automatic thread when There's a new video on...
  8. B

    XF 2.2 Logo on email doesn't appear

    Hi There, I'm using defaut style on my website. I've updated settings in : default style - style properties - Emails. Every CSS settings work fine except the logo who doesn't appear. My logo is a png file : is it my mistake or is there another setting ? Thank you for your help.
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