Recent content by AutoAttack Games

  1. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Hiding Forum from Search Engine

    Hi there, We've recently made one of our forums read-only. Rather than deleting it, we made it read-only out of respect for our users and so they can access old content there. However, one issue is that things from the forums continue to pop up in search engine results, which hurts the SEO for...
  2. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Faster way to mark first-time posters as spammers and ban them?

    We get hundreds of spam messages like this every week: Fortunately, they are caught by our moderation queue, but the thing is - I don't want to just delete the posts. I want to mark these users as spam bots and ban them. What's the best way to do this quickly? Right now, I'm just clicking on...
  3. AutoAttack Games

    Polls not being checked for spam phrase

    I have keto and .com as spam phrases, but spammers are able to bypass this on this first post by putting it into polls. Is there a way to make polls include spam phrase detection, or something that would have a similar effect? Thank you!
  4. AutoAttack Games

    Is there an add-on for Feature Requests (upvote/downvote/sorting)

    Hi there, We're interested in a way for our community to propose ideas/request features and for them to be able to vote on those ideas and have the most upvoted ones displayed first. I looked around but wasn't able to find an add-on for this, but I feel like it would be a relatively common use...
  5. AutoAttack Games

    XF 2.0 Get User to Read Thread Before Posting

    We have multiple bug report subforums (critical, major, minor bugs), and we have 1 stickied thread in the parent forum that tells users how to format a bug report thread. However, 95% of users don't see the thread. Any recommendations on how to get users to see the thread? For example, some...
  6. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Many users fail to receive confirmation email

    Will look into this. Thank you, Brogan.
  7. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Many users fail to receive confirmation email

    Many users report not receiving an email confirmation. It looks like most of the users are from Germany with a or email address. We get email bounces about them. Can you help me understand if this is an issue with Xenforo or our servers and what you might recommend to resolve...
  8. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Help removing subforum from display on main page

    Thanks for the tip, but sorry I wasn't clear! I don't want to completely remove the forum from public view. I just want it to be removed from the main page. I'd still like it to be viewable when you go into the main forum (Alpha Feedback).
  9. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Help removing subforum from display on main page

    I looked around a few threads and tried a few different suggestions but wasn't able to get it. I attached an image for reference - I want to make it so that "Resolved Feedback" is not visible there under the Alpha Feedback forum. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! :)
  10. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Edit User's Title

    I'm dumb. Thanks, Brogan!
  11. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Edit User's Title

    I assumed it would be in "User Essentials" could I but couldn't find it. Do I need to create a new user group?
  12. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 Edit User's Title

    Hello! I would like to edit another user to give him a custom title. This user is an administrator who has been instrumental in helping in the past but is currently inactive. I want to set a title to honor him but not remove his administrative access. Any advance would be appreciated. Thank...
  13. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 "The uploaded file is too large for the server to process."

    Uploads have worked for years, yes. I just tried again, and the issue was resolved without me doing anything. I think you're right that the tmp directory was full. Thank you for the fast response.
  14. AutoAttack Games

    XF 1.5 "The uploaded file is too large for the server to process."

    I am getting the following error when I try to upload an image: "The uploaded file is too large for the server to process." The image is very small (around 60kb) and definitely below the maximum allowed image size. I randomly got this message for the first time and knew something was wrong. I...
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