Recent content by Arantor

  1. Arantor

    Subdirectory Slugs For Threads Like Wordpress

    The problem with this is if you then move topics between sections, you now have to be able to resolve both the old and new URLs and make one redirect to the other. Not tragic for new topics but poor for topics that have been around a while then get moved.
  2. Arantor

    Has anyone used Cloudways for Xenforo?

    Cloudways is managed hosting - you do not get root access, you do not get access to half the stuff that cPanel would typically offer you either. That's the reason for the cost, they're charging you for their expertise and setup in managing the server. Specifically, you can run Cloudways as a...
  3. Arantor

    Has anyone used Cloudways for Xenforo?

    So Cloudways has optimisations directly for WordPress and Laravel based apps, and has a generic support for 'PHP apps'. I don't run XF specifically but I do run other PHP apps (including forums) on Cloudways and I've not seen any issues. I see no reason to believe that Cloudways wouldn't be a...
  4. Arantor

    How to block Ahrefs, Semrush, Serpstat, Majestic SEO by htaccess or any method far away robots.txt

    A robots.txt file is a request to the bots to respect your site. They are under zero obligation to honour anything in it. Blocking via htaccess or CloudFlare on the other hand, doesn’t give them the choice.
  5. Arantor

    Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

    The competitor as proposed isn’t really a competitor. It’s a “we don’t like where things are going but we have no idea what to do about it except copy something that isn’t actually a competitor, oh and if you have any better ideas we’d love to know”. There’s no product, there’s no plan, there’s...
  6. Arantor

    Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

    I want some of whatever you're smoking.
  7. Arantor

    Why have cookies pop up?

    The drama isn’t cookies as a fundamental technology - they’re just small text files that get ferried between your computer and sites. The drama is the stash of cookies used to work out if you’re being tracked and profiled. The advertisers and marketers loved the fact they could profile you...
  8. Arantor

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    I’m just observing what I see in the WordPress ecosystem where I have seen plugins fighting to include multiple copies of the React libraries - and we’re not talking kilobytes at that point. Last site I had to fix had 10MB of duplicated JS being loaded per page from all the plugins.
  9. Arantor

    Vultr new terms and conditions

    Having a licence to store, reproduce, transmit etc. is normal - they would need those things to service an account. However in spite of what the account manager says, how exactly does “their ability to commercialise your content” become a requirement to service your content in the first place...
  10. Arantor

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    Doesn’t that then run into the risk of shipping multiple versions of the same library? This is a hard problem to solve and I don’t know if there are any good ways to solve it.
  11. Arantor

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    Doesn’t that run into the risk of demanding npm etc be available on the server?
  12. Arantor

    usernames in other languages

    You kind of can’t, though. Even in the US you will have people whose real legal names aren’t Americanised, have accents and so on. And parts of the US do legitimately have Spanish as a common language. Basically unless their mere existence is a problem (in which case you probably want to vent...
  13. Arantor

    XF 2.2 Overwhelmed by control panel - Are there more tutorial videos?

    There is a manual: (links to both the user and developer manual)
  14. Arantor

    Just wanted to thank the Xenforo Staff/Developers II

    For me personally, I know you’re not like that. But up thread, such as our antipodean soccer loving friend’s comments, they’re definitely trying to suggest that’s a thing. Whilst, arguably, themselves actually being in violation of the licence and providing documentary evidence of doing so…
  15. Arantor

    Just wanted to thank the Xenforo Staff/Developers II

    While I agree with you, the prior posts in this thread were clearly making the unspoken assertion that “being critical of XF Ltd” would be grounds to withdraw the licence - whether or not the terms were actually violated. I leave you with this clause from the licence agreement.
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