Recent content by Apis

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    XF 2.2 Saving An Offline Site Archive

    Excellent, thank you
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    XF 2.2 Saving An Offline Site Archive

    Hello, I would basically like to save a copy of my forum and all the posts and images thereon to my computer. How can I do that?
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    XF 2.2 User Confirmation Email Problems

    User confirmation emails are going to spam and the confirmation link is often unclickable. Why is this and how can I fix it?
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    XF 2.2 How to Get Rid of Reactions

    I want to get rid of reactions entirely. I would also like a system to leave short comments at the bottom of people's posts. I believe there was a reputation system which allowed you to do this, but I would like to do it without the reputation system. Thank you to anyone who helps
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    XF 2.2 How to include banners on header

    See top-left of the following page: The banner changes every time you refresh the page. How can I do this on my forum? for reference.
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    Setting up Xenforo with Dreamhost and Filezilla

    Thank you @Brogan. I've fiddled around with it and uploaded the "upload" folder to the server with Filezilla but when I go to I get the same placeholder page I got before. Can you help me?
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    Setting up Xenforo with Dreamhost and Filezilla

    I've got Filezilla set up, I've registered on Dreamhost, but I can't figure out how to put the pieces together. Has anyone used the same services and can you talk me through it?
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