Recent content by AnthonyT

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    Ignore What's New by Waindigo

    Excellent release. We had something similar developed when we were on vBulletin previously but lost it when we migrated to XenForo. Albeit ours was not as advanced as this and was hacked hardcoded to the system core. I found this add-on as a result of being asked to look into replacing the old...
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    Duplicate Grouping Relevant Alerts

    An idea suggested by someone within my community is to group alerts that are of a similar and relevant nature together rather than showing them all individually as they do right now. Example: if two people post to a thread, rather than showing two separate alerts for this, combine them, saving...
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    Forums running XenForo software with over 100,000 posts

    Happy to add another big board into the mix. We converted our forum from vB to XF this past weekend. 864,000 posts to date. If somebody would be so kind to update the original list. Cheers
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    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    Update. I disabled the option to ping Google/Bing and reduced the number of URLs to submit from 25000 to 10000 and it ran successfully this time around. I've just checked my sitemap data and it's outputted correctly. Will continue to monitor over the next few days, but great job Rigel & thank you!
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    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    Damn. I was really hoping this would be the answer to my predicament since moving from vB but I also got this error unfortunately: Server Error curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set For a...
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    Hey Ryan, I recognise you from SEOMoz. Small world. I wanted to ask you why you've decided to omit /attachments/ and /search/ from your exclusion list? I can understand attachments perhaps if you've optimised them, but why would you allow /search/? Thanks for the list & for others sharing...
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    XenTrader 2.1.0 User Feedback System

    Hey guys, any plans to update this plug-in to cover the latest stable version of XF? Cheers
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    Filtering content in template

    Thanks Jake, The post you suggested is very useful specially after spending most of my time finding the right hook :) but my current problem is to find the container variable not the hook. I've tried to filter everywhere regardless the hook and it works fine except for the locations I told you...
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    Filtering content in template

    Hi everyone, I’ve developed an Add-On using the template_hook code event listener. My purpose is to filter the content of some templates in certain parts of the website. I did it almost everywhere I need, except for two places “Recent Activity” and “Postings” on the Member profile page. To...
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    XenTrader 2.1.0 User Feedback System

    Hi Robbo/Slavik, Thanks very much for the plugin. I'm however having problems importing data from vB 3.8 to XF 1.1.0 Beta 4. I've installed the product and go to run the importer, I've entered all the details of the older vB database, included the import log table (presumably this gets drawn...
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    Redirects for vBSEO'd URLs

    Thanks Shadab for releasing this product. I've managed to get threads redirecting correctly using a combination of this script and Kier's redirects. Since I am using the default URL rewriting structure for vBSEO (001 - without forum category IDs) I am going to manually 301 forum categories to...
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    Implemented Reported Posts - Email Notification

    You sir are a hero. Thanks for this!
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    Implemented Post Edit History

    The bigger boards among us can definitely see the benefit of this feature as moderating is not a chore but a way of life within larger communities. As communities scale so too do the processes of management. I would really like to see this feature implemented as its one of few our current vB...
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    Implemented Subscribe to or watch a forum

    Another vote here. Would love to see this feature implemented!
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