Recent content by amirsofyan

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    Quick look at UI.X 2

    Couldn't agree more to this.
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    XF 2.0 Limitation during Installation

    What feature of Xenforo is affected by that limitation?
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    XF 2.0 Limitation during Installation

    I have this limitation during my installation of XF2. What feature of XF2 which will be limited due to this limitation on my server? Is it ok to continue with this configuration, or is it mandatory for me to change host server? Thank you.
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    XF 2.0 Server Error Log (Unable to send email confirmation for new members)

    Thank you for your help. Finally I decided to move to VPS, since my hosted server won't let me change the php config.
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    Quick look at UI.X 2

    @Mike Creuzer, how to make pre-orders on this UI.X pro? And how to see the demo? Thanks.
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    XF 2.0 Server Error Log (Unable to send email confirmation for new members)

    Please help me with this problem. My hosting server could't enable proc_open module. Is there any other solution?
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