Recent content by alexj-12

  1. alexj-12

    Twitter connected account

    I'm seeing this issue as well. Has anyone found a solution for this?
  2. alexj-12

    [MMO] Post Edit Reason

    Thanks for the clarification!
  3. alexj-12

    [MMO] Post Edit Reason

    Hey, it looks like XenForo has a feature for this. Is this add-on now part of core or am I missing something?
  4. alexj-12

    s9e Media Sites

    Hey, I wanted to follow up on this issue. Please let me know if you need any additional information to get this resolved!
  5. alexj-12

    s9e Media Sites

    Hey there, I was using 2.7.4 of this add-on on XF 2.2.8 and noticed that Instagram embeds aren't working properly. This appears to be an issue with the Fancybox lightbox not properly calculating height on load trigger and as you scale the window size down, the vertical height of the item inside...
  6. alexj-12

    Instagram embeds not displaying properly

    This appears to be an issue with the Fancybox lightbox not properly calculating height on load trigger and as you scale the window size down, the vertical height of the item inside the fancybox container is shrunk as well. I'm also seeing an error with the Instagram JS; Not sure if that's...
  7. alexj-12

    Not a bug Icons related to thread type need a tooltip

    Users may not always know what these icons mean, so it would make sense to add a tooltip with a quick description of what each icon means.
  8. alexj-12

    Not a bug Using the Duck Duck Go search engine causes issues with the search feature

    On a forum we manage, several users have started using Duck Duck Go as a search engine and noticed that it makes their searched items look like this and also causes some of the links to be unclickable/cause errors: But, for users not using Duck Duck Go, there was no issue and the search items...
  9. alexj-12

    Lack of interest Chnage XF modal functionality to allow the close button to always be seen on the page

    The top bar of the modal should remain on the page and the content should scroll within the modal. By having the modal scroll off the page, the user no longer has access to the close button. I know you can click off the modal to close it, but that isn't always intuitive.
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