Recent content by adib0313

  1. adib0313

    XF 1.5 xf_thread_view' doesn't exist !! Did I just loose all my thead ?

    This is started to happen few hours ago and all my threads are inaccessible. There has been no changes made so not sure what it thinks that a table is missing. Is there a solution to this without using backup ? Frontend Error: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'db215081_woyhang.xf_thread_view'...
  2. adib0313

    Xenforo Custom Services, Addons, Themes, Migration, Server Installation & Management and more | 9+ years of experience

    My Request Thread: I needed some modification on my first Xenforo Forum and JustinHawk has provided a great service! His task was Custom modification to the forum, style modification and...
  3. adib0313

    Need Style Modification and few other tweaks

    Thanks to all who contacted me. This job has been given to JustinHawk. Thanks!
  4. adib0313

    Need Style Modification and few other tweaks

    Hello, I have recently installed Xenforo for newly addition forum for a gaming fan site. I need help with modification with the style. The style im using is Also need: User Profile: - Tribe Image (Custom Field Added for User to select) -...
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