Recent content by Adam Tinsley

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    XF 1.3 Can't Make ad_header Responsive

    Thanks for the help guys. I got it working with media queries targeting the #headerProxy and #logoBlock ids. For anyone else having this problem the #headerProxy id is the one that pushes the content down so that it's below the navigation bar. The #logoBlock id adjusts the height of the...
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    XF 1.3 Can't Make ad_header Responsive

    I've got an AdSense banner ad to the right of my logo in the ad_header position. I've got it set to resize from leaderboard > banner > mobile banner. The trouble is when the screen gets small enough so that the divs break and the ad falls beneath the logo the header height doesn't adjust to...
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    What do you set your Maximum Attachment File Size to?

    I noticed the default is 1024KB but that seems kind of small. A lot of cell phone pics are bigger than that. What's a good practical limit? The upload_max_filesize is set to 2MB in php.ini by default. I'm thinking that seems more reasonable but I may go even higher than that. Disk space is...
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    MTB Talk - A Mountain Biking Forum

    Ahem, I'm not trying to bump this thread unnecessarily but I need to clarify something. It appears that I'm the jerk after all and not @19ninety. This was, in fact, a coincidence and I have more than one reason to believe that now. I would like to publicly apologize to Greg for my earlier...
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    MTB Talk - A Mountain Biking Forum

    Did a search to see how my site was ranking today and I came across this: It's a XenForo forum with the exact same name as mine about, you guessed it. The domain name was registered 5 days after I posted this thread. Coincidence? No. This guy is being a jerk. I'm all for...
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    Server Noob Needs a Pointer...

    Sounds like you got everything working but have you checked out MAMP? I'm using the free version on my MacBook Air for my local XenForo install. It's easy to use and it works great.
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    MTB Talk - A Mountain Biking Forum

    Thanks @nodle! All the credit for the awesome theme goes to @Russ. I really like the theme and I was going for simple but I'm thinking it just needs some tweaking so that people can tell it's a mountain bike forum. Especially since the name might not make it obvious to some. I'm thinking of...
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    MTB Talk - A Mountain Biking Forum

    @Russ Yeah, that was my first question about the nodes on these forums. I love to watch those guys on TV doing the intense stuff but they are fearless and crazy if you ask me. I like to just ride at my own pace on mellow trails and relax and just get out into nature. Every now and then I get a...
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    MTB Talk - A Mountain Biking Forum

    I've got my new forum set up at: I am absolutely terrible at design. I got the theme at and I like it. I think I still need to do some more customization though to make it look a little more outdoorsy. I will probably hire a designer to make a decent...
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    Nginx Expires Headers

    Thanks @Jeremy P! Adding the regex solves the problem.
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    Nginx Expires Headers

    @Jeremy P Would you mind to explain that a little more. I thought that expires headers only cached static resources to a page like css, js, and images so it would be ok as long as the URL is changed if there's an update to a file. But I can't figure out why I wasn't able to login to the Admin...
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    Nginx Expires Headers

    No, I haven't set up any caching yet. I'm used to WordPress and there was always a plugin. I've never had to do it server side before but it's on my to-do list.
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    Nginx Expires Headers

    I set expires to max in nginx.conf and started having a weird deal where the admin login page wouldn't dismiss after entering credentials. It just keeps coming back after the animation. I did not notice any other problems with the site. When I turned expires headers off the problem stopped...
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    Is it Better to Have Lots of Forums or Just a Few?

    That makes a lot of sense. I actually didn't know about the prefixes feature, but that's a great idea to expand that way based on interest.Thanks!
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