Recent content by AbnormalInsight

  1. A

    What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

    Presale event pricing for around $100-$125. After that I would hate to see it go too far beyond the IPB cost of $149.
  2. A

    Is there a CMS planned?

    Why even waste time focusing on another CMS? There are already two great CMS' freely available in Drupal and Joomla. If they were to, or if someone else were to create something like converge from IPB and link Xen to Drupal or Joomla; you then have the most extensive CMS available without...
  3. A

    Great so Far!

    If they are going to compete against IPB, then I would imagine the price may end up being around $149 or $169.
  4. A

    Great so Far!

    Hey guys, Keep up the great work you are doing here. I've been with vBulletin since 2004 and dropped all licenses after the 4.0 fiasco. I am currently over at IPB. But I guarantee you that once XenForo is up and running with a sale that I'll be one of the first in line to purchase a license...
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