Have you seen...?

This forum spotlights some of XenForo's interesting features. Spotlights on features in upcoming releases will be posted here.
Profile post comment improvements
Compared to profile posts themselves, profile post comments have been missing tools for user interaction and moderator management. XenForo 1.5 sorts this by adding an array of new, but familiar, functionality to profile post comments. This screenshot should give you a good idea of some of the changes :) Ability to like profile post comments This is actually specifically one of the most popular suggestions and is pretty self explanatory. Profile post comments now support the like system. Of course if someone likes your comment, you get an alert just as you would expect: And we have also added support for comments appearing in the News Feed / Recent Activity: Soft deleting profile post comments Until now the only way to remove...
Updated Media Tagging, Video Uploads and More
Today, we're ready to talk about what's coming in version 1.1 of the XenForo Media Gallery add-on. Updated media tagging So, this one likely isn't going to be much of a surprise. XFMG already includes a content tagging system for media. In XFMG 1.1 we are replacing that system with the same content agnostic system we introduced in XenForo 1.5. As with XenForo 1.5 there are two possible positions for displaying tags. The top position in the gallery is just below the media title: And the bottom position is just below the media, controls, and author information: Adding / editing tags works in exactly the same way: And they also appear in the same way as they do on threads: There are some permissions relating to the ability...
Forum and thread types
Forums contain threads and threads contain posts. It's been the essential framework of forums on the Internet since the public migrated from usenet to the web. The structure is well known and well understood - though the origins of some of the terminology are lost in the mists of time. Who ever came up with the notion of your site being a forum, but these separate containers for related threads also being forums? 🤷🏼‍♂️ But back on topic, and we all know that visiting a forum (the second type) will usually show a list of threads ordered with the most recently updated near the top, and that clicking on any of those threads will show a page with the oldest post first and newer posts underneath and on subsequent pages. Bending discussion...
Here are a handful of new 1.3 features neatly packaged up into a single video for your viewing entertainment... View on Vimeo Update, Jan 15 - Case Sensitivity 101 There have been various questions about what case sensitive searching means in the video... In a nutshell, without case sensitivity, searching for 'Foo' would return all results containing any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters spelling 'foo', such as 'foo', 'fOo', 'foO' and 'Foo'. However, with case sensitivity enabled, searching for 'Foo' would only return results that contain exactly 'Foo', while other combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters would be ignored.
Welcome to XF 1.3 / Assorted Improvements
First, welcome to XenForo 1.3. As the first step to releasing a beta, we are running it here on XenForo.com. Once we are happy with the state of it, we will release a beta to all customers with active licenses. So with that, we're going to look at some more assorted improvements coming in 1.3. While we expect this to be the last Have You Seen for 1.3, over time, you may discover some other changes and tweaks that we haven't explicitly mentioned here. This thread is still a Have You Seen thread and posts should relate to the features discussed below. Other types of posts will be removed. There is a separate thread for discussion 1.3 in general. IPv6 All IP logging and management systems have been adjusted to support IPv4 and IPv6...
Progressive web app
Mobile first. We hear it again and again, and with over half of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, it's more important than ever to provide your mobile visitors with a great experience. Of course, XenForo 2 is built on a fully responsive design that gracefully adapts to any display size and makes using XenForo a pleasure on all devices, but now we're taking it a step further by enabling any XenForo site to become a progressive web app. Progressive web what? Okay, let's back up a little. Imagine a technology that allows a web site to appear and behave like an app without having to produce native code for each platform, or go through any vendor's App Store equivalent. Progressive web apps, or PWAs, aim to bridge the gap between...
Custom BB Codes
Some of you may have spotted this in a previous Have You Seen, but today we're going to look at XenForo 1.3's custom BB code support in detail. At a high level, custom BB codes let you define BB codes to fit your site's needs. This allows you to give your users more options for mark up, without opening up arbitrary HTML and the various issues (security and otherwise) that come with that. A BB code may take an "option" parameter if needed, such as in .... Basic Options Let's look at the main BB code creation form. It's a biggie: This is just the "basic" fields. We'll get into the advanced stuff in a bit. Many of these fields should be self explanatory. The title/description mostly relate to the help page, as well the example...
Various Moderation Improvements
XenForo 1.3 also contains a number of changes and improvements to help moderators. Let's look at some of them... Reporting a User While this isn't related to an action a moderator would take themselves, users can now be reported directly from their profile. This can be used for users that haven't posted any content, but may have an inappropriate avatar, signature, or other value. Thread Moderator Action History Moderators can now view all moderator-level actions taken in a thread from a new option in the Thread Tools menu: This will display an overlay like this: Moving Posts to an Existing Thread When moving posts via inline moderation, they can now be moved to an existing thread by simply providing the URL to that thread...
Reactions 👍😍🤣😲🙁😡
Welcome to the third in our "Have you seen...?" series for XF 2.1. We've had a phenomenal, er, reaction, to what we've shown so far. In case you haven't seen our previous two entries, you can check them out here. As ever, to ensure you're kept up to date, we strongly recommend giving that "Watch forum" link a poke here and enabling email notifications if you haven't done so already 🙂 Today we're going to show you something that we have been talking about doing internally for quite some time - content reactions. This concept has been popular with XF users for a long time and has spawned some popular add-ons. We have quite possibly been talking about doing it since long before it was popularised by Facebook so, finally, here we are 🙂...
Pages allow you to manage simple content in the node tree. Find out more here: http://xenforo.com/community/pages/example-page/ The node list display could do with some improvements. We have some ideas about that. The exact look of the auto-generated navigation is a work-in-progress as well. :)
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